Please find materials for health visitors to inform their work when supporting families in accessing evidence-based information about sexual and reproductive health.
Filmed resources
Health visitor reflection - Amy
Amy is a health visitor at Harrogate & District NHS Foundation Trust.
She attended the co-production workshops to help the iHV tailor the training to the health visitor need.
Amy attended the pilot training at Teesside University.
In this short film, she tells us about her journey and how her practice has changed following the training.
Parent reflection - Susie
Susie is a mum to two boys and, in this film, talks about her experiences of postnatal contraception and how her health visitor discussed the options available to her.
GPP - Postnatal contraception
The health visitors’ universal reach in the postnatal and interpregnancy period provides an ideal opportunity to influence preconception care, including using contraception for pregnancy spacing and promoting ways to maximise health in this time. The interval between childbirth and subsequent conception is known as the interpregnancy interval. Optimal pregnancy spacing and pregnancy planning are important.
GPP – Preconception nutrition
The period before pregnancy is increasingly recognised as a critical window of opportunity to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases in both mother and child. Sub-optimal nutritional status before pregnancy can affect egg and sperm quality; and from the moment of conception, the growing embryo is extremely sensitive to its nutritional environment. This GPP explores the topic of preconception nutrition and the health visitor’s role in supporting women and families with this.
GPP – Talking with parents/carers about their sexual wellbeing
Having a baby is usually a happy event, but it’s also a major transition for parents/carers, leading to changes in lifestyle and putting an understandable strain on the couple relationship.
e-learning Programme to support Sexual and Reproductive Health
This programme comprises three sections to support health visitors to integrate the promotion of sexual and reproductive health into their work with all families.
Parent Leaflet

Red Book Stickers
These stickers fit the following A4 sticker sheets for printing at home/office.

Red Book Stickers

E-mail Signature Instruction

E-mail Signature Image

GP Power Point
Postnatal Contraception Awareness Session for Health Visitors - Facilitator Guide
Health visitors are ideally placed through their universal reach, to support postnatal contraception and offer advice to families. Despite this, awareness training for health visitors on contraceptive choices was found to be limited.
The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV), with support from the Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV Innovation Fund, co-produced an awareness session aimed at increasing the knowledge and confidence of health visitors, to provide advice and support to families.
This facilitator guide has been produced to support local areas to deliver the awareness session directly to health visitors.