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Membership of the iHV brings health visitors, and practitioners working in health visiting teams, together as a professional community. By working together with you, we aim to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities for babies, children, families and communities through a strengthened health visiting service.

Members receive our monthly electronic newsletter, iHV Times, which contains the latest news, evidence, reports, briefings and other relevant resources to support health visiting practice.

About iHV SCPHN Student membership

The iHV welcomes membership from students (already a registered nurse/midwife) currently undertaking SCPHN training/qualification who are either studying on a full or part-time basis.

The iHV is an internationally recognised professional organisation that provides members with a comprehensive range of benefits. All members receive our monthly electronic newsletter, iHV Times, which contains the latest news, evidence, reports, briefings and other relevant resources to support health visiting practice.

We value the support of our members which also ensures that the iHV is able to provide an independent ‘voice’ for health visiting and promote the benefits and importance of health visiting excellence, alongside influencing policies affecting the health of babies, children, families and communities.

Being an iHV SCPHN Student member provides all the benefits and services that an Associate member receives for £3.75 per month (£4.50 per month from 1st August 2024). Joining us as a member also enables you to demonstrate your commitment to the health and wellbeing of babies, children, families and communities, and excellence in health visiting – iHV membership provides a boost to your career and strengthens your CV.

Benefits of membership

Increased professionalism

Our website

Our networking events

Our iHV Insights

iHV member offers

Being an iHV member also provides opportunities to respond to regular requests to participate in UK-wide developments and join specialist working groups. Look out for details in our monthly newsletter.

How can iHV SCPHN Student membership help my studies?

Please watch the following video where iHV SCPHN student members discuss how iHV membership has enhanced their learning and development during their training and beyond.

What happens when I qualify?

Once you have qualified, your membership will automatically be upgraded to Associate level. During the registration process, you will be asked to provide an Expected Qualifying Date for your Health Visitor Qualification. Your SCPHN Student membership shall continue until this date. Should your course be delayed, or you need to amend this date, please do let us know so we can update our records and ensure your membership remains active as a student, where applicable. More details on Associate membership are available here. Should you have any queries, please contact us.

Please note: iHV SCPHN Student membership is only available to SCPHN students.


iHV SCPHN Student membership is £3.75 per month (£4.50 per month from 1st August 2024), payable by direct debit through our payment partner GoCardless.

We have partnered with GoCardless as, unlike other payment methods, it keeps our administration costs to a minimum, which makes a big difference to a small charity like the iHV.  Paying monthly provides peace of mind, knowing that your member subscriptions are up to date so you have access to resources when you need them.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your membership fee can be increased by 25p for every £1 you donate under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid is then reclaimed by the iHV from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Please read the declaration on the Application Form and tick the box if you are eligible and wish your donations to be treated in this way to boost your donation.  Thank you.


Following registration, you will be sent details of how to validate your membership and sign in to the website ONLY when a confirmed payment has been received, i.e. initial payment via direct debit.

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