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Welcome to the Training Resources Hub

This page provides access to additional resources to support the iHV Training Programmes we offer.

This includes:

  • Our popular iHV Champions programmes – offering cascade resources for Champions to use to train others
  • Other iHV development programmes – offering access to associated digital resources such as workbooks and webinars to support practitioner learning

Access to the materials is restricted to practitioners who have completed the relevant training programme only.

If you are unable to unlock the resources for a programme you should have access to, please contact us at: [email protected]

If you wish to complete any of our training programmes please review our training programme information.

Please note the following:

  • All resources provided via this platform remain the intellectual property of the iHV and are subject to copyright.
  • The resources are provided only for use by the practitioner who attended iHV training only, and downloaded materials should not be shared, copied or forwarded on to others. Never share your login details with others.
  • No part of the materials provided should be used by the practitioner who attended iHV training (or anyone else) for any commercial gain.

In relation to iHV Champions and Train the Trainer resources:

  • The resources provided may be reproduced or disseminated by the iHV Champion for training colleagues and consolidating their learning.
  • The wording or content of the PowerPoint slidesets provided should not be amended by the iHV Champion without the permission of the iHV. Please advise us if you detect any issues and we will make appropriate amendments.
  • Each slideset should be used in line with the associated lesson plans provided. This is for quality assurance purposes as the programmes provided have been benchmarked against national frameworks and standards.
  • The content of the resources will be updated periodically to remain up-to-date. iHV Champions should always access the latest version of resources via this page when preparing for training.
  • The iHV will not be liable for the quality of onward training delivery by its Champions. It remains the Champion’s responsibility to undertake delivery of training as per the lesson plan provided and to monitor and respond to feedback from participants of their training using evaluation tools provided.

LGBTQI+ Champions

LGBTQI+ People & PMH Champions

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Lisbon PIMH Champions

Por favor, encontre aqui as apresentações em PowerPoint, materiais complementares da apresentação, formulários de avaliação e certificados de presença para apoiar a sua entrega de treinamento de conscientização em saúde mental perinatal e infantil aos seus colegas

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Domestic Abuse

These resources are specifically for Kent Community Health NHS Trust Domestic Abuse Champions. Please find here PowerPoint presentations, presentation handouts, evaluation forms, attendance certificates to support your delivery of Domestic Abuse awareness sessions to your colleagues. For additional materials to prepare please refer to your iHV DA Champions Training pack.

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NI Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Champions Resources

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Multi-Agency Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Champions Resources

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Scotland Multi-Agency Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Champions Resources

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Emotional Wellbeing Visits Champion Resources

Please find here PowerPoint presentations, presentation handouts, evaluation forms, attendance certificates to support your delivery of Emotional Wellbeing Visits (EWV) intervention training to your colleagues. For additional materials to prepare please refer to your iHV Champions Training pack.

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Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition Trainer Resources

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN website.

If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

If you are not logged in, please log in and then click the pink “iHV LEARN” button at the top right hand side of any page and navigate to the Toolkits section.

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Ambassadors for Changing Conversations

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN website.

If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

If you are not logged in, please log in and then click the pink “iHV LEARN” button at the top right hand side of any page and navigate to the Toolkits section.

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Neonatal Families Ambassador

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN website.

If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

If you are not logged in, please log in and then click the pink “iHV LEARN” button at the top right hand side of any page and navigate to the Programmes section.


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Fathers and PMH Champion

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Champions Resources

Please note – these resources have now moved to our new iHV LEARN Website. If you are already logged in, please click here to access.

Please refer to your email for more information. Any queries, please contact: [email protected]

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Join the conversation

These resources are restricted for participants who have completed the relevant iHV-run course. If you have attended this course, please log in to access these documents. If you have any issues regarding access or wish to enquire about attending a course to be able to access these resources, please contact: [email protected]