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Membership of the iHV is available globally. We welcome members who are qualified, retired or SCPHN students.

Please see details below for UK and International membership and the different types of membership we can offer you.

UK membership

Individual UK membership is available in four different categories, Associate, Student, Friend and Retired. Details below.

Associate member 

Fees – £90 per annum / £7.50 per month via GoCardless (£105 per annum / £8.75 per month from 1st August 2024)

To apply for Associate membership, applicants require:-

  • an NMC Pin AND
  • a career commitment to the improvement of health visiting AND
  • educated to Bachelor Degree or equivalent from an academic institution or a recognised professional body


SCPHN Student member 

Fees – £3.75 per month via GoCardless (£4.50 per month from 1st August 2024)

To apply for SCPHN Student Membership, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • have an NMC Pin AND
  • currently be undertaking a full or part-time undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in health visiting or a related discipline.
  • During the registration process, you will be asked to provide an Expected Qualifying Date for your Health Visitor Qualification.  Your SCPHN Student membership shall continue until this date.  Your membership will then automatically be upgraded to Associate status and fees according to this membership shall apply.
  • SCPHN Student membership is only available using our monthly payment system GoCardless, payment of membership via cheque is not available for SCPHN Student members.
  • SCPHN Student membership is only available to new members.


Retired member 

Fees – £45 per annum / £3.75 per month via GoCardless (£54 per annum / £4.50 per month from 1st August 2024)

To apply for Retired from Practice, Associate membership, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • have an NMC Pin AND
  • a career commitment to the improvement of health visiting AND
  • is a retired health visitor or one who isn’t currently working


Friend member 

Fees – £90 per annum / £7.50 per month via GoCardless (£105 per annum / £8.75 per month from 1st August 2024)

A Friend is someone who isn’t a health visitor but who is interested in the work of health visitors, works with health visitors, works in public health or health promotion or who would just like to support the Institute of Health Visiting, a charity, to ensure that every child gets the best possible start in life.

Our vast suite of resources for members provides excellent evidence-based information for all professionals who work with babies, children, and families.


Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your membership fee can be increased by 25p for every £1 you donate under the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost to you.  Gift Aid is then reclaimed by the iHV from the tax you pay for the current tax year.  Please read the declaration on the Application Form and tick the box if you are eligible and wish your donations to be treated in this way to boost your donation.  Thank you.

International membership

International memberships are available and fees are based on different country incomes – therefore, your membership fee will depend on the country you live in.

International memberships available are:

  • International Associate: for qualified health visitors or equivalent, i.e. Child Health Nurses, Public Health Nurses, Child & Family health Nurses, Plunket Nurses, Social Nurses, Lady Health Visitors and Lady Health Workers, Patronage Nurses etc.
  • International Friend: for doctors, policy makers and others interested in the work of the health visitor
  • International Student: for student nurses currently studying to become health visitors or similar or other students who would benefit from this material
  • International Group: for organisations who wish to register their health visitor workforce, enabling you to demonstrate your commitment as an employer, giving them the support and access to all the health visiting resources that are available through membership of the iHV. To request further details on International Group membership, please email [email protected].

Please go to the International membership page, select the type of membership you require (i.e. Associate, Student or Friend) and the country you reside in below to confirm the annual membership fee applicable to you.

Payment of International Membership Fee

International Membership is only available on an annual basis with the fee being payable on application. Payments are accepted via credit or debit card and shall be processed by our partnering payment gateway, Braintree. As soon as your payment has been confirmed, you will be sent your welcome email containing details of how to register on the website. We will contact you one month prior to your membership expiry to confirm whether you wish to continue your membership and will provide you with details of how future membership fees may be processed.

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