Resources for Healthy Child Programme

HCP Schedule of Interventions Tool
A new schedule of interventions tool has been added to the existing interactive pathways elearning programme.
The resource aims to help local commissioners and service providers navigate current guidance and materials within the Healthy Child Programme – the national public health framework for babies, children and young people.
These schedules bring together evidence, guidance, information and resources to describe local prevention and early intervention and ongoing care activities from preconception to adulthood.
It includes information about preconception care, promoting child development, improving child health outcomes and ensuring that families at risk are identified at the earliest opportunity.
Local authorities, the NHS and other partners can use the tool to inform the commissioning and provision of good quality services for children, young people and families at every level of need, from community and universal to targeted and specialist.

Getting evidence into practice—implementation science for paediatricians
This article explores the theoretical background to knowledge translation and knowledge discovery and gives child health examples of how diffusion and dissemination of knowledge occurs in practice. It is suggested that there is a unique role for knowledge brokers in paediatrics to facilitate change and outlines how various barriers to change might be overcome.

The Healthy Child Programme: how did we get here and where should we go?
We review the aims of the HCP and ask whether it is doing too little or too much? We explore the outcomes that matter and assert that we often don’t have the data to make this judgement. We call for more data and argue for the importance of getting to know your local data, in advocating for children and young people. We ask paediatricians to step up and take a role in the promotion of health and wellbeing of families in their care: child public health is everybody’s business.

Is pre-school child health surveillance an effective means of detecting key physical abnormalities?
The effectiveness of child health surveillance (CHS) screening is still being questioned. There has been little work on the quality of CHS provided in primary care following the shift in provision encouraged by the 1990 Contract. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of primary care CHS screening for five physical conditions: undescended testes,
congenital heart disease, squints, developmental dysplasia of the hip, and congenital hearing loss.

Rapid review of the HCP
Rapid review of the evidence base support by the healthy child programme (HCP) 0 to 5 years.