Who are health visitors and what do they do?
This infographic sets out the breadth of the health visitor’s role in England, providing a vital infrastructure of support for babies, children and families. When sufficiently resourced, the health visiting service provides an important part of the solution for multiple cross-government department priorities for health, education and social care.

Health child programme schedule of interventions
Tool with evidence, guidance, information and resources to support local implementation of the healthy child programme.

Healthy child programme: health visitor and school nurse commissioning
Service specification for local authorities commissioning health visitors and school nurses, for public health services for children aged 0 to 19.

Supporting child health: children, young people and families
Documents to help local authorities and providers commission and deliver maternal and child public health services from preconception up to 24 years.

Healthy beginnings: applying All Our Health
A resource which helps health professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing as part of their daily practice.

An overview of child protection legislation in England
This House of Commons Library Briefing Paper gives a very broad overview of the legislative framework for child protection in England.

Child Poverty Act 2010
An Act to set targets relating to the eradication of child poverty, and to make other provision about child poverty.

Childhood obesity: a plan for action, chapter 2
Part 2 of the government’s plan for action to significantly reduce childhood obesity by supporting healthier choices