Genomics Webinars
Genomics Webinar 1 | What does genomics mean for health visitors? - 16/12/21

Genomics Webinar 1 PDF of Presentations
Genomics Webinar 2 - What does genomics mean for families? | 27.01.22

Genomics Webinar 2 PDF of Presentations
Genomics Webinar 3 - How can we develop our knowledge of genomics? | 24.02.22

Genomics Webinar 3 PDF of Presentations
GPP eXtra
This series of five Good Practice Points (GPPs), collated together as a GPP eXtra, will help enhance health visitors’ understanding of genomics and how it will impact on their role and practice.
- They will explore how to support children and families to benefit from genomic healthcare under five practical headings.
- It is important to read all of the GPP eXtra series as they complement each other, to build your understanding.
- These resources have been produced in partnership with Health Education England Genomics Education Programme and frontline practitioners, and are open access to all HVs.
HEE Genomics in Health Visiting
This HEE Genomics Education Programme webpage has been developed in collaboration with the Institute of Health Visiting. It is currently under review and is subject to updates.
Genomics may be a new term for many health visitors, but it is becoming increasingly relevant to your practice and can be a powerful addition to your toolkit for supporting families.
HEE Genomics Education Programme
HEE Genomics Education Programme
HEE website delivering genomics education, training and experience for the healthcare workforce.
HEE Genomics Education Programme: courses and resources
Browse through HEE’s range of educational resources and courses, including short videos, bite-sized genomics, online courses, etc.
HEE New introductory genomics videos
HEE’s Genomics Education Programme has released three new introductory-level films covering different aspects of genomics including:
- why we want to know about genomes;
- how whole genome sequencing is being applied in key areas of healthcare;
- and who makes up the genomics team that works to find genetic diagnoses for patients.
You can view these and many other educational films in the video library on HEE’s new website.
Why Do We Want to Know About Genomes? from Genomics Education Programme on Vimeo.
This PHE report briefly defines genome sequencing and how, by improving our understanding of genetic activity, we can determine how best to use genetics in screening.
Continuing the conversation about offering whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to all newborns.