Resources for Alcohol Brief Interventions and Motivational Interviewing
This Good Practice Points factsheet, authored by Dr Jo Lacey PhD, Regional Lead (London) Institute of Health Visiting and Operational Lead (Education and Training) North East London NHS Foundation Trust, sets out what health visitors need to know about Alcohol Brief Interventions and Motivational Interviewing.
Health visitors are well-placed to offer early intervention and support, and onward referral where appropriate, to individuals and families who drink alcohol to a harmful extent. This GPP provides up-to-date evidence and references.

Alcohol Brief Interventions and Motivational Interviewing
This Good Practice Points factsheet, authored by Dr Jo Lacey PhD, Regional Lead (London) Institute of Health Visiting and Operational Lead (Education and Training) North East London NHS Foundation Trust, sets out what health visitors need to know about Alcohol Brief Interventions and Motivational Interviewing.
Health visitors are well-placed to offer early intervention and support, and onward referral where appropriate, to individuals and families who drink alcohol to a harmful extent. This GPP provides up-to-date evidence and references.