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Our research network is open to all iHV members who:

  • are interested in research in health visiting practice
  • would like to connect with other health visitors who are active in research to share learning
  • want to find out about support to become involved in research

This network provides an opportunity to:

  • meet regularly with colleagues across the UK through our research networking events
  • keep up-to-date with national developments
  • learn about funding opportunities
  • network and share research ideas
  • collaborate with other researchers/health visitors
  • create a community of health visitor researchers

Our next Research Networking event is on 27 November, 09:30-11:30:
Special guest Professor Ruth Endacott, NIHR Director of Nursing & Midwifery, will be speaking at our next Research Network.

Research Networking dates 2024

  • 27 March, 09:30-11:30
  • 16 May, 09:30-11:30  
  • 27 November, 09:30-11:30 – book here

See all our iHV Member Networking events (including our Research Networking) by clicking on the link below for all iHV Member Networking dates and booking details.

Please contact the iHV Projects and Evaluation Team at [email protected]  for more information on our research network, or for any questions that you have on iHV research and the support we offer.

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