Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:
- launch of PHE’s Stay Well This Winter programme, which is all about people staying well and not needing to visit their GP or hospitals because of common winter illnesses
- On Tuesday, World Mental Health Day, a new programme was announced by the Department of Health and PHE which will see one million people trained in basic mental health “first aid” skills. The programme aims to improve people’s ability to look after their own mental health and also know how to respond to and support people who are experiencing a mental health problem.
- Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are the leading cause of poor health for both men and women. The evidence to support cost-effective interventions is certainly strong, and to support NHS commissioners in acting on this PHE has created a new return on investment tool which tailors results to local areas.
- The Catholics for AIDS Prevention and Support charity has taken a lead on AIDS prevention and they have created a video series called Positive Faith. This programme, funded by PHE’s HIV Innovation Fund and sponsored by Jim McManus, Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire, is a fabulous, pragmatic expression of faith being about life and in this case people living with HIV.
- Summit on policing and public health where PHE discussed their shared aim of intervening early to address the common factors that bring people into contact with the police and criminal justice system and ultimately poor outcomes throughout life.