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Our Voices blog articles are interesting reflections on events attended, and comments by policy makers, health visitors and others.

30 September 2016

A commitment to joint working by Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) and Health Visitor (HV) leaders in Leicester, Leicest...

29 September 2016

Health visitors have a unique role in offering 5 universal contacts. During these contacts we are uniquely placed to enc...

29 September 2016

Background As a Specialist Health Visitor, I have responsibility for families and expectant mothers who reside in tempo...

28 September 2016

I was contacted by the health visitor of a baby in care with a foster carer who was 5 weeks old.  He was initially in h...

28 September 2016

This case study is based on a 35 year old female who is a mother of a one year old child - this mother will be referred ...

28 September 2016

Diane Crutchley, Health Visitor for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, talks about the benefits of health visitors carrying o...

27 September 2016

Health visitors carry out New Birth Visits in Central Manchester Foundation Trust to all families with newborn babies as...

27 September 2016

The New Birth Visit is a significant core element of the Healthy Child Programme which has been supported by research ev...

26 September 2016

In 2011 The Department of Health published 'A Call to Action' this then led to the 'Health Visiting Implementation Plan'...

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