New dad? You’re not alone…Factographic

This Factographic for new dads is interactive, combining images, text and video testimonials both from parents who have struggled and health visitors who are trained in this area, and also signposting to support.

The Factographics are available for new parents to access directly and for health professionals to share in their interactions with parents

Just click on the Factographic image below to open, and then click on the different sections of the Factographic to access information and videos to support new dads.

Factographics can be viewed in:

  • PC format – as above
  • mobile format 
  • pdf/poster formatdesigned with QR codes which link to the films and a space to add local contact details. These can be printed out and displayed or used to share in paper or e mail format.

There are links to the alternative formats on the bottom right hand side to both the mobile and pdf versions.

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