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NHS England

The NHS Long Term Plan has set out an ambitious programme to transform mental health services for people with a learning disability and autistic people, with a focus on improving community services and being less dependent on inpatient care. The NHS England Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Inpatient Quality Transformation Programme works to improve the quality of inpatient services for children and young people and adults with a learning disability or who are autistic.

Reducing restrictive practice resources

We have produced two resources for adults and children with a learning disability, autistic adults and children, the staff who support them and their families to inform and empower people to speak up about restrictive practice.

Both resources have been co-produced and piloted with people with lived experience of restrictive practice in hospital settings and professionals.

The resources take a human rights approach and aim to help people understand their restrictions and be more involved in developing least restrictive options. They also include information about who to speak to if there are any concerns about the way restrictions are used.

  • The What are restrictive practices easy read booklet is designed for autistic adults and adults with a learning disability. It includes information about different kinds of restrictive practice and why they may be used.
  • The My Rights magazine – (pdf, version to print and guidance) is designed for young people. It is written in plain English and in a style that allows young people to easily turn to the topic they need and to personalise it through writing and doodles. It includes information about rights, types of restrictive practice, real stories and top tips from young people about ways to speak up.





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