The iHV is seeking to appoint a part-time Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Trainer to support delivery of the iHV award-winning UK-wide training programmes, either face-to-face or virtually (as currently being delivered), as well as supporting a wide range of evolving workstreams across the Mental Health portfolio.

The post holder will be an experienced trainer, including as a perinatal/infant mental health Champion, and with experience of delivering training to multi-professional groups. They will contribute to the evaluation of the delivery of the programmes. They will be home-based and the post will include pre-planned travel and overnight stays in other areas to support training.

A confident self-starter, they will be passionate about the contribution that health visiting can make to reducing the impact of perinatal mental illness and improving the public’s health.

The post holder will have well-established local PIMH networks and able to demonstrate engagement with national level activities in the field of PIMH.

This a part-time position – 0.4 or 8 days a month with possibility of additional days some weeks by arrangement.  This is 1-year fixed-term contract with probability of extension.

Applications close: Thursday 17 December 2020

Interviews: Monday 21 December 2020 (please keep this clear)

Since we advertised the opportunity to come and join team iHV, we have had some changes to the iHV team. As a result, we are now able to offer the Professional Development Officer PIMH post as a permanent job. Furthermore, there is not a preference to being based in the South.

As such, we have revised the offer and also extended the deadline for applications to 14 December and the interview date to 17 December.

The iHV is seeking to appoint a full-time health visitor expert in perinatal and infant mental health and practice development to work with them supporting their European project, training and various other related projects, as well as covering some national meetings, a job share would be considered.

The post holder, who will have a master’s degree, will be home based and prepared to travel within the post, mostly within the UK, but potentially also to European countries. They will ideally be an iHV perinatal and infant mental health (PIMH) Champion or a specialist health visitor for PIMH, have broad experience in these fields, with additional research, or project development experience.

A confident self-starter, they will deliver the requirements of our European project, deliver training, attend meetings, facilitate regional iHV PIMH Champion Forums and input advice to other work streams on request.

The post holder will be highly respected by colleagues for their capacity to drive and deliver local professional developments.

This is a permanent full-time position and a job share would be considered.

Applications close: 9am Monday 14 December 2020

Interviews: 17 December 2020 (please keep this clear)

PHE SLC Health Visitor Sessional Trainer Band 7 Secondment Opportunity – closing date midnight on 11 Nov 2020

The National Nursing, Midwifery and Early Years directorate in Public Health England (PHE) is looking to recruit Health Visitor Sessional Trainers, on a band 7 secondment opportunity, as part of the PHE Best Start in Speech Language and Communication (SLC) Programme.

They are seeking applications from motivated and enthusiastic individuals who will focus on the coordination and delivery of virtual training to frontline health visitors and early years practitioners across England, focusing on the use of a new early language identification measure and intervention and provide feedback to national leads.

The roles will support the dissemination of a package of new guidance and materials aimed at supporting speech, language and communication development locally.

Please see attached Job Description.

The role: To deliver national training sessions to health visiting teams and early years practitioners on the use of a new SLC early language identification measure and intervention for the 2-2.5 year review.

Essential to apply: Has previously completed the PHE/DfE speech, language and communication 1 day train-the-trainer programme from the Institute of Health Visiting (between 2018 and 2019), and was involved in cascading the speech, language and communication training.

Working days: 1-3 a month

Agenda for Change: Band 7

Dates: 7 December 2020 – 31 March 2021

Induction and Training: To take place early December 2020

Funding: Back fill will be provided to your organisation for your secondment days.

To apply: Please send your CV and supporting statement of no more than 500 words by midnight on 11 Nov 2020  to [email protected].

The supporting statement should include:

    • How your experience matches the requirements of the person specification
    • The personal development you expect to gain if successful in the role

Interview Date:  Week of 16 November 2020

For further information or an informal discussion about the post, please contact Pauline Bigwood at [email protected]

New dates: 19 & 20 January 2021

We are delighted to offer places on our hosted training event which provides an opportunity for individual practitioners to complete our programme – but be quick as places are filling up fast!

Our multi-agency Perinatal & Infant Mental Health Champions training programme is designed to improve family mental health by:

  • increasing competence and confidence in perinatal and infant mental health practice
  • developing place-based leadership for perinatal and infant mental health across complex systems of care
  • raising awareness of the importance of perinatal and infant mental health across the workforce

The online delivery format models our highly acclaimed face-to-face programme and will equip Champions with the necessary understanding, knowledge and competence to lead on PIMH in their local areas.

Following the training, each Champion will receive resources enabling them to cascade the training (COVID-19 permitting) onwards to their colleagues either face-to-face or virtually. The iHV will provide both face-to-face and online format training resources to support this.

How to book:




We’re looking for health visitors who are interested in becoming an Ambassador for Changing Conversations within their local area.



Changing Conversations is an exciting new project focused on a range of new online resources for health visitors to support their role with children with autism and their families. Supported by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, the iHV has co-developed these resources in partnership with families and field experts which will be available as part of a digital toolkit  via a unique login on the iHV website

Sign up to join one of our free training days to find out how to promote and lead the importance of family-centre support for families of children with autism as an Ambassador for Changing Conversations. These free training events will be virtual (via Zoom online platform) and have been designed to be interactive, including expert speakers, parents with lived experience, and introduction to the resources.

The aims of the training day are to:

  • Increase understanding and insight into the impact of autism on families
  • Equip health visitors to be local Ambassadors for Changing Conversations
  • Introduce and provide resources to support and cascade best practice
  • Opportunity for networking

Resources include:

  • Good Practice Points
  • Parent Tips
  • Parent and child stories
  • Films
  • Case studies
  • One-hour awareness session to cascade your learning to your team
  • Collated research and literature that will support the health visitor knowledge base and provide quality assured resources that families can be signposted to.

All these resources will be available to those that attend via a unique login and digital toolkit following the training events.

Virtual training dates:

  • Wednesday 4th November – 08:45 to 13:15
  • Tuesday 10th November – 08:45 to 13:15
  • Thursday 26th November – 08:45 to 13:15

These free training events are virtual (via Zoom online platform).


How to apply:

  • Limited places available.
  • You must have approval from your manager to attend, and a commitment to cascade the training to your colleagues.
  • Non-attendance will result in a £50 charge for your organisation.
  • Register your interest by completing the online form


Calling all iHV members – if you missed our iHV Insights webinar on “Training as a health visitor during a pandemic” held last week (Thursday 20 August), then don’t worry as the resources from this iHV Insights, as well as the previous ones, are available to iHV members to access as a free member benefit afterwards.

On Thursday 20 August, we were joined by a great panel of experts including:

  • Joanne Seal, Leader UWE, Chair of United Kingdom Standing Conference on SCPHN.
  • Ekaete George, Senior Practice Teacher and Practice Development Lead, Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Heena Fountain, Student Health Visitor, Central and North West London Foundation Trust.
  • Charlotte Grant, Student Health Visitor, Sutton Health and Care.
  • Maggie Fisher, Professional Development Officer, Institute of Health Visiting.

Click here to catch up on iHV Insights Training as a health visitor during a pandemic, as well as previous iHV Insights sessions:

If you are unable to join the live event, after the event, iHV members can access:

  • Recording of the live iHV Insights webinar
  • Pdf of webinar slides
  • Responses to the Q&A session – key themes to unanswered questions provided by our expert panel
  • Record of Attendance/ Reflection template for you to download and complete for each iHV Insights attended

Next iHV Insights

Date for your diary – iHV Insights webinar: “Supporting smoke-free families” – date TBC.

Further details,  including date and how to book, coming soon!

About iHV Insights

iHV Insights are webinars run just for our members.

These live online sessions are of interest to frontline health visitors and student health visitors, as well as service leads, commissioners and wider members of the health visiting team, both in the UK and with lots of transferable learning for our international members too.

If you are not an iHV member, join us today to access these resources and many other member benefits.

Our 4th iHV Insights webinar takes place on Thursday 20 August 3.30 to 4.30 pm.

This will cover the topic of: “Training as a Health Visitor during a pandemic”.


We are pleased to announce that our expert panel of speakers includes:

  • Joanne Seal, Leader UWE, Chair of United Kingdom Standing Conference on SCPHN. Title: The Changing Educational Context in SCPHN Education during a Pandemic
  • Ekaete George, Senior Practice Teacher and Practice Development Lead, Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust. Title: Maximising the SCPHN learning experience during 2020
  • Heena Fountain, Student Health Visitor, Central and North West London Foundation Trust. Title: Frontline health visiting during the Covid19 pandemic – A student’s perspective
  • Charlotte Grant, Student Health Visitor, Sutton Health and Care. Title: The Unexpected Module: how to train as a health visitor during a public health pandemic and why it’s important to prioritise yourself during the pandemic
  • Maggie Fisher, Professional Development Officer, Institute of Health Visiting. Title: Top tips for looking after yourself in practice

The webinar will also be recorded and will be available to iHV members on our website after the event, together with a FAQ sheet should we have a high number of questions.

Please join us.

How to book for iHV members

Go to our EventBrite booking page and please use your iHV membership number as your access code. If you have any problems or enquiries please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Once you have submitted your details, you will be able to select your ticket and proceed to checkout – please note that this webinar is free to iHV members.

Previous iHV Insights

The great news is that recordings of all the iHV Insights webinars are available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event.

Click here to catch up on our 3 fabulous iHV Insights sessions so far:

  • 21 May 2020 – COVID-19 in children and managing minor childhood illnesses
  • 18 June 2020 – Domestic Violence and Abuse: Keeping victims and children safe during a pandemic
  • 16 July 2020 – Health visiting during a pandemic and beyond

We are delighted to publish Parent Tips on Toilet Training.

Toilet training is one of those child developmental stages that parents can find frustrating and complex. Making the transition from nappy to toilet can certainly be a challenge, particularly if you feel it is a battle – but remember this is a developmental skill, not a war!


New government funding of £210 million for NHS nurses to improve their training and skills should be expanded to cover public health workers, such as health visitors and school nurses, councils say.

Institute of Health Visiting. Library Photography. Picture: Cleverbox /

Offering greater training and upskilling opportunities would also encourage more people into nursing and to stay in the profession for longer, at a time when the sector is experiencing severe problems in recruitment and retention.

We have limited availability for our Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Awareness training on Wednesday 16 October 2019. It is a rare opportunity to experience our one day PMH Awareness training alongside other practitioners from a variety of professional backgrounds.

Please note: this training does not support an onward cascade – it is not a Champions programme. It is designed for individual direct learning and development for multi-agency.

The training event is suited to a wide range of practitioners working alongside women perinatally (including neonatal nurses, midwives, social workers, early years workers, parent support workers) and will include presentations, activities and discussions around:

  • Perinatal mental illness and why it matters;
  • Recognition and management;
  • Safeguarding and risk;
  • Everyone’s business: your role, communication and interventions.

“It was extremely informative and helpful for my role” (Neonatal nurse – 2018)

“I came into the session not knowing anything about PMH. Every session appropriate” (Parent support worker – 2018)

“I feel more confident in approaching the subject and being able to signpost/refer parents to the appropriate services. I will ensure details of services are readily available to other staff on the ward” (Midwife – 2018)

We can increase practitioner confidence in practice around working perinatally with mothers and their families who may have perinatal mental health issues.

Come and learn more about PMH – what it is, why it matters and what you can do to help.

New training date: 16 October 2019

Location: London

How to book

Places are strictly limited – for more information or to book a place – please contact: [email protected]
or book online: