Over the past few days many of you have supported us in our preparation of a briefing for MPs for the Parliamentary Debate on health visiting cuts which took place on Wednesday afternoon (23 October). If you weren’t able to watch the debate at the time, we have the link here:
If you haven’t yet had time to look at our blueprint Vision for the future of health visiting (Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future), please do read it – you are going to be hearing a lot more about it. It has attracted incredible support from those who truly can make a difference and it was very encouraging to hear Jo Churchill, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prevention, Public Health and Primary Care, referring to it, and stating her desire, during the debate, to meet with us to discuss it.
When we meet with Jo Churchill, we will be taking with us the results of our latest State of Health Visiting survey. Thank you to those of you who have already completed it, and some of your anonymous comments have already been shared. But we do need a good sample size to make the findings robust. So, health visitors, please do take the time to complete it as we will continue to use the aggregated data in our ongoing lobbying of government and will be publishing the survey report at our Leadership conference on 3 December – you are welcome to join us for this inspiring day. Tickets are selling fast so don’t miss out!
The link to the survey has been shared out via email to health visitors, however, if you cannot locate it, please contact [email protected] to request the link.