We had an incredibly inspiring and motivating day at iHV’s annual Leadership Conference yesterday!

iHV’s Leadership for the future Conference (#iHVLeadership19), held on 3 December 2019 in London, was a fantastic opportunity for health professionals across the country to find out the latest in leadership in health visiting practice among like-minded professionals and peers, as well as finding out the latest on our evidence-based blue print to rebuild health visiting services – ‘Health Visiting in England: A Vision for the Future’.

Tickets were sold out and we had a full house of 200 who listened to our inspirational and passionate speakers:

  • Sir Al Aynsley-Green, Professor of Advocacy for Children and Childhood, at Nottingham Trent University and former First Children’s Commissioner for England
  • Professor Dame Sue Hill DBE, Chief Scientific Officer NHS England, national lead for Genomics
  • LEGO Professor of Play, Dr Paul Ramchandani
  • Professor Jim McManus, Vice President, Association of Directors of Public Health
  • Pauline Beirne, National Lead AHP CYP, Scottish Government
  • Sally Hogg, Head of Policy and Campaigning, Parent-Infant Foundation
  • Angie Emrys-Jones, a mum with loved experience
  • Caroline Palmer, ChatHealth
  • Julie Carter-Lindsay, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Alison Morton, Director of Policy and Quality, iHV

In addition, our Guest speaker of our annual lecture was:

  • Professor Mitch Blair, Professor of Paediatrics and Child Public Health, Imperial College London.

A big thank you to all our speakers, presenters and exhibitors for helping to make the day.

Some of the amazing feedback we have already received:

“Thank you iHV for the fantastic Leadership Conference yesterday. Inspirational speakers who delivered with humility. I am ready for the disruption”

“So much to share & debate. Reflecting this morning on inspiring colleagues, conversations and opportunities to take forward. Thank you”

“Thank you @iHealthVisiting for hosting such an inspiring and invigorating iHV Leadership Conference.”

“Fantastic time out for reflection and updates from great speakers”

“En route home after the BEST day at @iHealthVisiting leadership conference. I don’t need a title to be a leader. Just the willingness to be disruptive and to ‘bang the bloody door down’ of anyone who isn’t willing to listen!!”

“Such a fab day. So much to think about. Thank you @Alison_Morton2 @CheryllMa and the team behind today’s #iHVLeadership19 conference in #London. Won’t lie, head is full but so much passion for the HV service is out there, we need to make sure we keep shouting about the work we do”

“Thank you @iHealthVisiting empowering day #iHVLeadership19 hearing inspirational speakers & opportunity to network.”


We have made a short video of some of the photos taken yesterday:

Tweets from #iHVLeadership19

For those of you who could not either join us yesterday or could not follow the #iHVLeadership19 hashtag on Twitter, we’ve collected and made a little “Wakelet” collection of the day’s tweets so you can follow some of what was shared. Please see below.