Our two-day, virtual Evidence-based Practice Conference – Looking ahead to a fairer future (#iHVEBP2021) takes place on 21 and 22 September, and we are delighted to offer a special rate for group bookings to enable as many of you to join us at the event.

Book 5 places for the price of 4* (available on the 2-day rate only and not applicable to students or retired members)!


This special group offer also applies to the earlybird prices (both member and non-member rates), so why not take advantage of our earlybird rates before they disappear! Get together with 4 of your colleagues and book your 5 places for the special price of 4 – a great saving of 20% per ticket!

* This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount offer. This discount is not available on Retired or Student member tickets.

How to book this special group offer

  • If you are members, please have your individual membership numbers available to use for the first 4 places as the code to get your member delegate rates or the non-member rate will apply, and then enter the code 5for4EBP2021 to get the 5th place for free! Book today!
  • If you are non-members, please book your first 4 places, and then enter the same code as above 5for4EBP2021 to get the 5th place for free! Book today!

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]

Don’t forget – our earlybird offer ends at 5pm on Friday 27 August


About our two-day, virtual Evidence-based Practice Conference – Looking ahead to a fairer future

21 and 22 September 2021 | Online

Our programme focuses on sharing best practice examples and research to improve health visiting practice. This conference will provide a much-needed time of reflection and learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on babies, young children and their families, and the services that support them.

We have a fabulous line up of speakers, including

  • Representative from The Royal Foundation
  • Professor Gabriella Conti
  • Professor Jane Barlow
  • Dr Ruth Oshikanlu
  • And many more!

Check out the Evidence-based Practice Conference website to find out more including all our fabulous speakersprogrammes and how to book your place.

We have heard from several people that a number of you have requested funding from your employer but have not yet received confirmation of secured funding to enable you to book on to our iHV National Multi-agency Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Conference: The Hidden challenges, therefore missing out on the great earlybird rates.

We have special rates for our iHV Champions to our forthcoming National Multi-agency Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Conference!  And if you are also an iHV member, you get even better rates to the conference!!  Add in the great earlybird rates and you really want to secure your place today!

So please don’t worry – reserve your earlybird ticket today to secure the best rates! 

Following several requests, we have taken the decision to enable you to reserve your place, at the earlybird rates (either members or non-member), via our online system.

Just go to our online booking system, complete the online registration – making sure you mark the following 2 steps of the process as indicated below:

  • Payment method – Select “Pay by invoice
  • Are you currently awaiting confirmation from your employer to fund for your place and are booking to reserve a place and secure early bird prices at this time? – Select “Yes, I wish to reserve a place pending confirmation of funding from my employer.”

This will guarantee the earlybird rate for you but your place is not secured until a purchase order number is received.

You will receive an acknowledgement of your guaranteed earlybird rate by email.  As soon as you have received confirmation from your employer, please email us to confirm the purchase order number and, at that point, your ticket will be secured.

About the Conference:

As well as stimulating learning through debate and discussion via presentations from internationally-acclaimed speakers, the day will offer focused opportunities to learn from each other through sharing best and promising practice in PIMH.

And we are delighted to announce that Victoria Macdonald, Health & Social Care Correspondent from Channel 4 News, will open the conference – The role of the media in raising awareness on the hidden challenges of perinatal and infant mental health: My experience.

Please see programme for more details of the conference.

Conference Date: Tuesday 24 April 2018 09:00 – 16:50
Venue: Kings House, Sidney Street, Manchester M1 7HB – see map