17th August 2018
The Institute of Health Visiting has launched a new Research Champions scheme for health visitors (HVs) interested in research. Set up in partnership with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the scheme has appointed its first ten Champions.

Health Visitor Research Champions meet to kick off new HV Research Champions scheme
The new HV Research Champions met for the first time at NIHR to learn how to develop their role and will be mentored by existing midwifery champions and supported by the local NIHR Clinical Research Networks (CRNs). Ultimately there will be 15 research champions, one for each CRN region.
Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, Executive Director at the Institute of Health Visiting, said:
“This is a very exciting development for the Institute, we have seen how successful the Midwifery Champions have been in supporting research for mothers and babies and it is fantastic to now be developing a similar capacity in health visiting.
“For the Champions themselves and their employers, this is an opportunity to much more closely engage with the many national research programmes.”
The HV Research Champions will:
- Work collaboratively with the iHV, NIHR, relevant research teams and other Champions to support the development of portfolios of research
- Work together to increase health visitor contribution to research studies
- Support the development of a research-rich culture within the health visiting workforce
- Contribute to a national forum of Champions including attendance at 3 National forum meetings a year
- Contribute to national activities of the forum and health visiting including sharing of good practice and development of new ways of working
- Support the creation of opportunities for more research careers in health visiting.
The HV Research Champions have a masters, a doctorate or are working towards one, and also some existing or prior direct involvement in research, and they are also members of the iHV.
Further opportunities to become a HV Research Champion include the following regions: South West Peninsula; North West Coast; Kent, Surrey and Sussex; Thames Valley; and West of England. Closing date for applications is 7 September 2018.
For more details and how to apply – https://ihv.org.uk/our-work/research/research-champions/