iHV’s Good Practice Points (GPPs) are evidence-based resources to support everyday health visiting. They have been developed in collaboration with topic experts, health visitors and others using the latest available evidence at the time of publishing.
GPPs are produced following a robust quality assurance process. They are peer reviewed prior to publication to ensure they accurately reflect both the latest evidence and application to health visiting practice.
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GPPs can also be found in the Resource Library A-Z under alphabetical topic headings.
Whilst we take every care to ensure the content of iHV resources are accurate and peer-reviewed at time of publication, evidence may change over time and application to practice needs to be tailored to individual circumstances. The inclusion of references, content or website links to external organisations does not imply any endorsement of the organisation, or their materials, by the iHV. The iHV does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information in these resources and cannot accept liability for use. Therefore, please always exercise your own judgement. For further information, please contact us: info@ihv.org.uk
*The Institute of Health Visiting has adopted an additive approach to the language that we use. This approach aims to add and not take away. It preserves women/men-centred language as well as including language for those who identify in other ways. Families are diverse and we strive to ensure that everyone is represented and feels included. To ensure that we achieve both clarity and inclusivity, we will use sex-specific terms when referencing research which relates to biological sex.
In this section, you will find Good Practice Points to support the early days of having a baby.
In this section, you will find Good Practice Points to support mental health and wellbeing for the whole family.
In this section, you will find Good Practice Points to support healthy nutrition.
In this section, you will find Good Practice Points to support managing minor illness and reducing accidents.
In this section, you will find Good Practice Points to support the health, wellbeing and development of babies and children.
In this section, you will find a wide range of Good Practice Points which do not come under the areas above.