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What can the iHV do for parents?

The iHV can ensure that health visitors give consistent advice and information based on up-to-date research. There will also be some information for parents on the iHV website about health visiting services with signposting to reliable sources of parent information. By working with Netmums we aim to ensure we address issues that are important to parents.

How is the iHV different from other professional organisations that health visitors are members of?

The iHV is an Institute, not a membership body.  Its main objective is to improve health outcomes for children, families and communities through a single professional focus on health visiting and health visitors. It is also not a trade union or professional organisation with a remit to represent and support a membership.

What is different in how the iHV will work?

We will work with a range of government, professional and third sector partners to deliver our work programmes to strengthen the services which health visitors provide rather than directly providing membership services. In particular, we will work closely with the Royal Society for Public Health and Netmums.

What can the iHV offer to local health organisations/bodies?

We can offer consultancy, access to locally delivered training, and a reduced cost corporate associate membership for your staff.

I’m interested but I’m very busy. What can I do to find out more about how iHV can help my health visiting practice?

Become an Associate of the iHV, which means you will get regular professional newsletters, email alerts and full access to our resource base, which is being developed to support your practice.

Will I be able to network with other health visitors and health professionals through the iHV?

Yes we hope that you will soon. The Burdett Trust for Nursing has funded the development of a Virtual Community of Practice for health visitors which is being developed and tested by the University of Hertfordshire in association with the iHV. If it proves a good model, as we think it will, it will be made available to all health visitor Associate members of the iHV.

How can I support the iHV?

Please champion the work of the iHV to help it grow and deliver its ambitions. To do this we require local champions and access to regular funding and expert help, whether within or outside the profession. If you are a health visitor, you can

  • become an Associate of the iHV,
  • become a local iHV Champion
  • engage with our professional activities.
  • consider fundraising on our behalf with colleagues, perhaps doing a fun run.
If you are a potential funder who shares our values and ambitions for every child to have the best chance in life, do please get in touch so that we can develop work together. If you employ health visitors consider funding their membership of the Associate scheme to be able to access evidence-based resources via the web wherever they are and give the iHV a regular source of income to develop more resources. If you are a journalist please write about our activities so others understand this key area of work. If you are a policy maker engage us with your activities so that the voice of health visiting is heard in policy generation.

What will the iHV do for me as a health visitor?

The iHV will provide a one-stop shop of easily accessible information to inform your practice. Over time it will become a place where you can network, share good practice and take advantage of the opportunities to strengthen your practice and leadership skills.

What is the iHV for?

Primarily the iHV is about strengthening health outcomes for children and families and, in turn, for the whole community. The overall purpose is to improve long-term personal health, public health and social outcomes through maximising the potential of the health visiting service.

Will the iHV regulate health visitors?

No. It is the role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council to regulate health visitors.

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