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What is the iHV’s relationship with government?

The iHV is an independent charitable organisation. However, it has worked with the Cabinet Office and Department of Health during its set up and expects to continue to do so, providing its expertise to policy generation.

Is the iHV a campaigning organisation?

The iHV will campaign for health improvement and public health. It is not a trade union and will not campaign on behalf of health visitors’ conditions of service etc.

What will it cost me to use the iHV’s services?

This will vary depending on the services, but we have to income generate and will be working with national experts to deliver our products.

Can the iHV run training in my organisation?

Yes, we will be developing different training programmes which can then be commissioned.

Will the iHV offer consultancy?

Yes this will be one of the iHV’s activities and income streams. We have access to a range of experts. Yes. This is one means of disseminating best practice and improving the consistency of practice.

How is the iHV funded?

Through income generation for all of our activities. Our set up was supported by ministers at the Department of Health and a section 64 grant, but we have no core funding or grants moving forward.

What is the legal model for the iHV?

The iHV is being set up as a charity as its objectives are charitable.

Can Nursery Nurses become associates?

No, not at the moment, although they can become friends and register for our news letters. Perhaps in the future as the iHV develops there will be scope for the wider HV team to affiliate.

How does the iHV fit with school nurses?

Health visitors and school nurses have a shared interest in promoting the public health of all children from 0-19, so the iHV wants to work closely with school nurses. Together we must ensure that every child and family has timely access to consistent and high quality public health services, whether in the home, community or school setting.  A professional body specifically focused on school nursing activity, the School and Public Health Nurses Association, SAPHNA, is one of our supporters.

Is the iHV a membership organisation?

Not as such, but during the iHV planning and scoping stages it became clear that health visitors wanted to play an active part in our development. We have established an Associate scheme, which any health visitor can join and which will give direct access to our products. Others will have to pay for these products. This will help the iHV to generate essential core funding.

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