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Understanding the new Commissioning Agenda

Do you need to know more about the national strategic direction for the profession, to understand the new commissioning agenda, or to develop skills in articulating the value of HV services – all with the aim of improved public health outcomes?
Would you like to enhance your personal effectiveness, be able to influence public health and build on your professional leadership skills – in order to position the health visiting profession where it needs to be to maximise outcomes for children and families?

Participating in this workshop will inspire and motivate you towards:

  • Discovering the power of our influence
  • Defining the direction of our influence
  • Delivering outcomes for children and families
  • Deploying the skills of professional leadership
  • Deepening our reserves of resilience

This highly interactive workshop, delivered by experienced facilitators, draws on a range of resources including films and tools to support group work and discussion. There will also be sharing of good practice from a national level. The workshop allows practitioners to explore and develop their thinking and refine key skills, in order to maximise the opportunities this transfer offers whilst also meeting the challenges presented.

What others thought...

The session was informative and we had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. The trainer was complimentary of what we had planned, which gave us encouragement. Thank you
June 2015

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