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This training programme prepares participants to undertake a ‘Champion’ role, equipping them with materials to deliver a cascade of multi-agency 1-day or 2-day PIMH awareness level training for colleagues using materials we provide.

In addition, all participants have access to iHV PIMH Champions’ quarterly virtual Forums and Bulletins to maintain their confidence and competence. Access is granted for 2 years following training and can be renewed for a small fee following this period.

The programme is delivered as:

  • Private events – to commission us you will need a cohort of 20 participants. Costs on request.
  • iHV hosted events – up to 5 places can be booked (subject to availability).

Next iHV Hosted Event: 24 & 25 September 2024 

Cost of places:

  • £475 – iHV Member (membership number required for booking)
  • £520 – Non-member

Information for Participants:

How do I apply?

Please send completed application form to [email protected]

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