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We are now able to add a brand new subject to our highly acclaimed ‘Champions’ training portfolio, which will offer participants the opportunity to take up a cascade training role for their organisation. As health visiting has moved to Local Authority commissioning, Accident Prevention Champions will be ideally placed to contribute to multi agency training on Child Safety and to influence development of local Child Safety care pathways.

Exploring the use of terminology, why reducing unintentional injury matters, the evidence base and policy background, the current scale of unintentional injury and the developing child and hazards and injuries, this programme is comprehensive in offering you theory and evidence in the first module, whilst the second module enables you to examine how to integrate the theory into practice and introducing interventions and ways of working in partnership parents, carers and communities. Utilising a range of delivery methods the training is highly interactive through its’ use of small and whole group discussion and activity underpinned by use of presentations, video clips and tools.

After attending the training you will become your organisation’s local Accident Prevention champion. You will be given the tools, information and support to cascade the training to your colleagues in order to become a local resource for this area of practice.

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