Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Champions Training

Multi-Agency PMH Champions
Aim of Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Champions training:
The programme is designed to build advocacy for perinatal mental health amongst a multi-agency audience, developing an understanding of the evidence around PMH and equipping the Champion with materials to deliver a cascade of multi-agency PMH Awareness level training for colleagues.
Having a multi-agency focus, the training aims to embed good practice and promote and strengthen local integrated care pathways, in turn supporting the opportunity for good outcomes for families affected by perinatal mental illness, raising parity of esteem for mental health and reducing health inequalities at a local level.
Participating in this training will equip you for the PMH Champion’s role over the following modules:
- Perinatal mental illness and why it matters
- Recognition and detection of perinatal mental illness
- Impact of parental mental health on the infant
- Safeguarding and risk
- Networks and pathways
- Everyone’s business: your role, communication and interventions
The programme has been accredited by the CPD Standards Office.
“I now feel more confident to support colleagues with questions around perinatal infant mental health. I am going to continue doing the work I do with a better understanding of PIMH and how this can affect relationships and outcomes for both parent and child” – Early Years Practitioner
“Very much enjoyed the training, all very relevant and lots of additional information about groups and various sites to access online” – Nursery Nurse
“The training was amazing!” – Community Psychiatric Nurse
“All of it was good – but having different disciplines and lived experience speakers was great” – Perinatal Social Worker
March 2021