Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition (HWHN) Ambassadors Training
This one-day course is aimed at those supporting delivery of the health visiting service (skill-mix team) and wider early years workers. It will prepare practitioners to become a place-based advocate of HWHN, using opportunities to share resources and promote Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition with colleagues, local services and families, and equip them to deliver a one-hour cascade session to enable colleagues to advocate for Healthy Weight, Healthy Nutrition. The day will provide a comprehensive overview to allow practitioners to offer practical support to families around healthy food choices, growth monitoring, and encouraging physical activity and good oral health.
Ambassadors will have access to Ambassador resources to support awareness raising, our digital toolkit of evidence and useful resources, newsletters, updates and webinars to maintain their confidence and competence (while grant funding continues). Ambassadors can offer access to the digital toolkit of evidence to any participants attending their awareness raising. Access to all materials is granted for 2 years following Ambassador training and can be renewed for a small fee following this period.
The programme is delivered as:
- Private events – to commission us, you will need a cohort of 20 participants. Costs on request.
- iHV-hosted events – up to 5 places can be booked (subject to availability).
- Grant-funded events – on occasions we can offer this programme without charge due to generous grant funding. Places are offered on a first come first served basis and early notice is offered to iHV members.
Next iHV Hosted Event:
- COMING IN SPRING 2025 – REQUEST A PLACE NOW! Contact [email protected]
Cost of places:
- £250 – iHV Member (membership number required for booking)
- £275 – Non-member