iHV SCPHN Student Health Visitor Award and iHV SCPHN-Health Visitor Lecturer Award

We are delighted to announce that applications to the iHV Awards 2025 are now open. This year we are excited to announce two awards:

  • the iHV SCPHN Student Health Visitor Award;
  • and the NEW iHV SCPHN-Health Visitor Lecturer Award.

These Awards recognise the amazing contribution of both SCPHN student health visitors and SCPHN-health visitor lecturers in leading activities that improve outcomes for babies, children and families. 

This year’s Awards are linked with the annual iHV Leadership Conference in December 2025. Submissions will be accepted from current student and associate iHV members. To make a submission please see the relevant requirements and notes on the flyers below:

  • SCPHN Student Health Visitor Award 2025 – for full details and requirements download the flyer here
  • SCPHN-Health Visitor Lecturer Award 2025 – for full details and requirements download the flyer here

Read about the iHV SCPHN Student Health Visitor Award 2024 winners here.

Listen to the iHV podcasts: the SCPHN Student Health Visitor Award 2024 winners speak with Amanda Holland, iHV Education, Learning and Development Lead, on their incredible work – listen here.

Latest date of submissions: Friday 22 August 2025, 5pm

The winners will be notified early October 2025. Both Awards* include a complimentary ticket to the iHV Leadership Conference in London, 3 December 2025, where the award winners will be invited to present their examples and accept an iHV Award and certificate.

*The Awards cannot be transferred for an alternative prize or money, it is specific to the named award winners and the conference date. The award does not include travel or accommodation expenses. 

Applications are now open for the 2024 iHV award for Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) health visitor students.

This year’s award is linked with the annual iHV Leadership Conference in December 2024. Submission will be accepted from current iHV student members and would need to be supported by an academic/ practice assessor or supervisor. To make a submission, students are invited to prepare an 350-word abstract showcasing an innovation in practice.

The award has been developed to celebrate new talent joining the health visitor workforce and showcase leadership in action for strengthening the quality of service provision.


The student submission must be made using the iHV submission form to be accepted for entry. This details:

  • Name of HEI, department providing the SCPHN-HV programme and declaration of cohort size
  • Full name, contact details and signature of the student
  • Full name, contact details and signature of the supporting academic, practice assessor or supervisor
  • Title and written abstract prepared by the student (max 350 words)
  • Disclaimer confirming the submission is the student’s own work and has not been submitted elsewhere

The abstract should:
Present a service innovation that demonstrates leadership in action to strengthen the quality of service provision
for babies, children and families.

Latest date of submission: Friday 23 August 2024


The innovation must be informed by evidence and can be a proposed development or review of existing practice. Proposed or actual impacts for babies, children and families must be identified and the service innovation must involve SCPHN-HV practitioners.

The iHV judges will be looking for innovations that incorporate factors known to support successful practice. This includes a
service investing in the following:

  • Trusting relationships
  • Working in partnership with families
  • Evidence-driven practices
  • Accessible and equitable provision
  • Well-coordinated personalised service with continuity of practitioner
  • Practitioner autonomy
  • Collaborative working
  • Demonstrating impact

The winning student will be notified early October 2024. The award includes a free place at the iHV Leadership Conference in London, December 2024*, where the successful student will be invited to present their innovation and accept an iHV Award Certificate. The supporting academic, practice assessor or supervisor will also receive a free iHV Leadership Conference place.

Submit an entry

*The award cannot be transferred for an alternative prize or money, it is specific to the named iHV student member and conference date. The award does not include travel or accommodation expenses.


iHV is excited to announce a new award open to specialist community public health nursing (SCPHN) health visitor students who are iHV members. This award  is linked with the annual iHV Evidence-based Practice Conference.

To make a submission students are invited to prepare an 350-word abstract showcasing an innovation in practice. Please note, to simplify the application process, posters are no longer required as part of the submission – the winning entry will be invited to give a short oral presentation (using slides if preferred) at our EBP conference in September..

Each Higher Education Institution (HEI) providing the SCPHN education programme is invited to submit a maximum of 2 submissions, depending on the size of their existing SCPHN HV cohorts. Each student submission would need to be supported by an academic and practice assessor or supervisor

The award has been developed to celebrate new talent joining the health visitor workforce and showcase new ideas for service provision.


The student submission must be made using the iHV submission form to be accepted for entry. This details:

  • Name of HEI and Department providing the SCPHN-HV programme and declaration of cohort size
  • Full name, contact details and signature of the student
  • Full name, contact details and signature of the supporting academic and practice assessor or supervisor
  • Title and written abstract prepared by the student (max 350 words)
  • Disclaimer confirming the submission is the student’s own work and has not been submitted elsewhere

The abstract should:
Present a practice innovation designed to strengthen the quality of service provision for babies, children & families.

Latest date of submission: Friday 30 June 2023



The innovation must be informed by evidence and can be a proposed development or review of existing practice. Proposed or actual impacts for babies, children and families must be identified and the service innovation must involve SCPHN-HV practitioners. The iHV judges will be looking for innovations that incorporate factors known to support successful practice. This includes a service investing in the following:

  • Trusting relationships
  • Working in partnership with families
  • Evidence-driven practices
  • Accessible and equitable provision
  • Well-coordinated personalised service with continuity of practitioner
  • Practitioner autonomy
  • Collaborative working
  • Demonstrating impact

The winning student will be notified week commencing 24 July 2023. The award includes a free place at the iHV Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Conference, 21 September 2023, where the successful student will be invited to present their poster and accept an iHV Award Certificate. The supporting academic/practice educator will also receive a free iHV EBP conference place.

  1. The number of submissions from each HEI depends on the size of the SCPHN cohort: for SCPHN HV-SN cohorts up to 30 = 1 student submission per HEI; cohort of 31 upwards = 2 students can be submitted per HEI.
  2. The award cannot be transferred for an alternative prize or money, it is specific to the named iHV student member and conference date. The award does not include travel or accommodation expenses.

Submit an entry

Our 4th iHV Insights webinar takes place on Thursday 20 August 3.30 to 4.30 pm.

This will cover the topic of: “Training as a Health Visitor during a pandemic”.


We are pleased to announce that our expert panel of speakers includes:

  • Joanne Seal, Leader UWE, Chair of United Kingdom Standing Conference on SCPHN. Title: The Changing Educational Context in SCPHN Education during a Pandemic
  • Ekaete George, Senior Practice Teacher and Practice Development Lead, Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust. Title: Maximising the SCPHN learning experience during 2020
  • Heena Fountain, Student Health Visitor, Central and North West London Foundation Trust. Title: Frontline health visiting during the Covid19 pandemic – A student’s perspective
  • Charlotte Grant, Student Health Visitor, Sutton Health and Care. Title: The Unexpected Module: how to train as a health visitor during a public health pandemic and why it’s important to prioritise yourself during the pandemic
  • Maggie Fisher, Professional Development Officer, Institute of Health Visiting. Title: Top tips for looking after yourself in practice

The webinar will also be recorded and will be available to iHV members on our website after the event, together with a FAQ sheet should we have a high number of questions.

Please join us.

How to book for iHV members

Go to our EventBrite booking page and please use your iHV membership number as your access code. If you have any problems or enquiries please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Once you have submitted your details, you will be able to select your ticket and proceed to checkout – please note that this webinar is free to iHV members.

Previous iHV Insights

The great news is that recordings of all the iHV Insights webinars are available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event.

Click here to catch up on our 3 fabulous iHV Insights sessions so far:

  • 21 May 2020 – COVID-19 in children and managing minor childhood illnesses
  • 18 June 2020 – Domestic Violence and Abuse: Keeping victims and children safe during a pandemic
  • 16 July 2020 – Health visiting during a pandemic and beyond