iHV supports the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA’s) call to change Britain’s daylight savings system to reduce the number of children being hurt during the evening school run.
The latest statistics from the Department for Transport show that of the 15,976 children hurt on Britain’s roads in 2016, nearly a quarter (22 per cent) were hurt during the hours of 3-5pm, while more than 1 in 3 of all pedestrian casualties happened between those times. This is in comparison to 14 per cent of children being injured during the morning school run, between the hours of 7-9am.
In 2016, pedestrian injuries for all age groups were at their highest in November. Casualty figures tend to remain high during winter and only improve in March, when the clocks go forwards again.
By altering the current daylight savings system to Single/Double British Summertime (moving the clocks forward by an hour year-round), we would provide children – and other pedestrians and vulnerable road users such as cyclists – extra daylight in the afternoons to make it home safely.
While this might increase the risk to vulnerable road users during darker mornings, the reduced risk in the evening would lead to a significant net reduction in overall deaths and injuries.
Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, executive director, iHV, said:
“With more children being hurt on Britain’s roads during the evening school run than at any other time of day, our daylight savings system needs to be reviewed. We are happy to support the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents call to change Britain’s daylight savings system, with the aim of reducing the number of pedestrian casualties, particularly of children, during the afternoon school run.”
RoSPA want to know what you think. Please take two minutes to answer their survey at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PZSCMMV