On Saturday 21 May 2016, a group of HVs and friends will be undertaking one of the great outdoor challenges of the UK – the 3 peaks of Yorkshire!
With just over a week to go to the Ready Steady Walk 3 peaks fundraising challenge, we have 22 people signed up and raising funds – 19 of whom aim to do all 3 peaks! There are a mixture of Bradford health visitors, Children’s Centre admin staff, Better Start staff and an interesting sounding mixed group from Hull(!).
Starting and finishing in Horton in Ribblesdale, this demanding day includes ascending Pen y Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. The aim is to complete all 3 Yorkshire peaks in less than 12 hours to fundraise for the iHV – and entitles the survivors to become members of the Three Peaks of Yorkshire Club. This will mean walking 24 miles, including 4,500 feet of ascent.
Please make a donation to encourage all our gritty walkers to reach their target of completing the 3 peaks in 12 hours!
You can follow the day’s trials from the comfort of your home via Twitter using #iHV3peaks and also please make a donation in support of this amazing effort.
The proceeds of this fundraising activity will help the iHV to continue its good work for children and families; specifically your money will go towards developing a programme of research to improve the lives of very young children.