MPs to question Health and Social Care Secretary, Sajid Javid, on plans to rebuild the workforce
The Health and Social Care Committee has announced that, on Tuesday 25 January at 4pm, MPs will scrutinise Sajid Javid on his plans to deal with the multiple crises facing the sector in a one-off session. The session is expected to cover the Government’s workforce strategy, including provisions set out in the Health and Care Bill. Staff pay, employee burnout and integrating social care and NHS workforce planning are on the agenda.
Do you have a question you would like to ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid?
If so, you can ask you question on Twitter using the hashtag #QuestionJavid
Please submit via Twitter (with the hashtag) by 5pm today (Friday 21 January)
Our State of Health Visiting in England Report showed that Health visitors in England are reporting soaring rates of domestic abuse, mental health problems and child safeguarding, with evidence of significant reduced workforce capacity to meet these demands.
Do our survey findings reflect your own experiences?
A recent publication of health visiting workforce numbers employed by the NHS in England between September 2012 to September 2021 show that health visiting numbers in England are below the last workforce crisis in 2011 which led to a health visiting Call to Action!
This is an opportunity to have your voice heard.
Start typing your questions into Twitter now! And tag with #QuestionJavid.
You can watch the session live on on Tuesday 25 January at 4pm.