Public Health England has recently published new posters and leaflets designed to raise awareness of measles in young people and healthcare workers. The attached document outlines each of the three resources.

via Photo Bucket

via Photo Bucket


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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • Soft Drinks Industry Levy
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Report
  • Local Government Association (LGA) and PHE joint briefing on health, work and worklessness to support local authorities as they improve workplace health and reduce the employment gap for people with long term conditions and disabilities
  • Fit for the Future – Public Health People report on recommendations on the current and future challenges facing the public health workforce

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Public Health England (PHE) wants to increase the proportion of children ready to learn at 2 and ready for school at 5.

This new resource for health professionals and local authorities is about investing in early years services from pregnancy to age 2.  It focuses on giving every child the best start in life and specifically the crucial period from pregnancy to the age of two.

Dr Cheryll Adams said: ” This is a very helpful review of what matters to ensuring the best outcomes for infants from pre-conception care to age 2.  I recommend that all health visitors read it and share it widely.”

The earliest experiences, starting in the womb, shape a baby’s brain development. During the first two years of life the brain displays a remarkable capacity to absorb information and adapt to its surroundings.

Investing in the early years can help to address health inequalities that disadvantage some from the very beginning of their lives.

See also:

Public Health England’s annual conference takes place from 13 to 14 September 2016 at the University of Warwick.

The Public Health England annual conference 2016 will bring together over 1400 participants from a wide range of organisations, to learn, network and share knowledge and experience.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Evidence into action’. The conference will promote and showcase the application and translation of science and research, to support effective local and national action to improve public health. Keynote speakers will include the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health and Jane Ellison MP, Minister for Public Health.

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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • Strategic plan for the next 4 years
  • Making Every Contact Count (MECC) approach
  • PHE People Charter

Due to pre-election purdah, the next Friday message will be on 13 May.


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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • flu deaths in 2015
  • Coventry’s improvement in public health after embedding Marmot principles
  • five new local AMR (anti-microbial resistance) indicators launched on the Public Health Profiles tool Fingertips

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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • sugary drinks levy announced as by the Chancellor in Wednesday’s Budget
  • new Eatwell Guide which offers easy-to-follow advice for the public and is a valuable resource for health professionals, caterers and the food and drink industry
  • Place-Based Health report which argues that a focus on ‘place’ not only reflects the emerging direction of travel for the NHS and local government, but represents the best hope for achieving a sustainable health system for the future
  • PHE Learning Disabilities Conference

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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • an award for the teams involved in providing and supporting the Ebola laboratory diagnostic services in Sierra Leone
  • launch of the PHE ‘One You’, a new evidence-based campaign designed to reduce health inequalities, with its ‘How are you?’ online quiz
  • the rate of teenage pregnancies has fallen to its lowest level since records began – with LGA-PHE briefing

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Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:

  • NHS Health Check conference
  • symposium of the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health
  • LGA case studies

Health Matters is the official blog of Public Health England, updating with new content every Monday and Wednesday afternoon.  It is a resource for health professionals designed to support commissioning and the delivery of services across local areas. In its first year, it is focusing on PHE’s priorities as set out in “From Evidence to Action”.

The information contained within Health Matters is designed to be shared and PHE is keen for people to download the infographics, slide set, and short pdf version to help influence practice at a local level.

In addition to this, they encourage people to sign up to the Health Matters bulletin. If you have any questions about these resources, don’t hesitate to contact the Health Matters team ([email protected]).
