The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) is delighted to work with PACEY (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years) on their campaign to help parents understand the childcare options available to them and also to explain the recent changes to the early years entitlement with the roll out of 30 hours.
The PACEY campaign forms a key part of the Childminder Champions campaign funded by the Department for Education to increase parental knowledge and understanding of childminding as a high-quality childcare option. By working with the Institute to share information with health visitors across the country, the campaign aims to help parents understand what childcare options are available to them, including the important role that childminders can play, through sharing information with health visitors.
Karen Stansfield, head of education and quality, iHV, said:
“The Institute of Health Visiting is delighted to be working with PACEY on promoting the different childcare options available to parents. Health visitors meet all new parents several times during the first two and half years of a child’s life through the mandated contacts of the Healthy Child Programme and are well positioned to share lots of useful and important information with parents on child development.
“Together with PACEY, we have helped develop new resources for health visitors so that they are aware of the different childcare options available, including the extended 30-hour entitlement which started this month (September).
“These new resources include a briefing for health visitors to help them understand the childcare options, a short FAQ fact sheet on the new 30 hours entitlement and a childcare options leaflet to share with parents.”
See links below to access the resources: