New training date: Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 January 2020

Location: London

Following previous sell out events, we are offering a further rare opportunity to access a place to train as a Multi-Agency iHV Champion for Perinatal & Infant Mental Health via our highly acclaimed integrated programme.

The programme is a 2-day course which will cover a wide and updated programme content supported by contemporaneous evidence and policy underpinning practice.

This training has been specifically designed to support an onward cascade across a multi-agency audience to ensure that all staff working alongside mothers and their families perinatally can access awareness training.

Don’t miss out..bookings open now!

Cost: £425 non-member, £395 iHV members
(Fee includes: Trainer Pack, Access to resources for training for 2 years, lunch and refreshments on 2 day programme)


Any queries, please contact us at: [email protected] or by phone on: +44 (0) 207 265 7352