We are pleased to launch a further e-learning programme to our expanding portfolio. This e-learning has been supported by a grant from the Burdett Trust. Healthy Weight Healthy Nutrition is one of the six Early Years High Impact Areas and a key public health issue, with health visitors having a central role in improving outcomes around family nutritional health across the life course.
These e-learning modules have been written to support the Champions training programme currently being rolled out across the UK, which is a comprehensive refresher for health visitors on the evidence base surrounding weight and nutrition. Evaluation of the training delivered to date has demonstrated that health visitors over-estimate the currency of their knowledge in this area. Additionally the subject is not a core area within initial health visitor training so there is wide variation in what is attained in training or CPD across the country.
Health visitors can now use these 5 online modules to update themselves. Our e-learning programmes are a valuable tool to support individual learning and CPD to underpin NMC revalidation.