Exclusive iHV Insights webinar recording is now open access: The Public health role in reducing A&E attendances

To help raise awareness of health visitors’ role in tackling the current crisis in urgent care services, we are delighted to share the recording of our recent iHV Insights webinar: “The Public health role in reducing A&E attendances” held on 16 January 2025.

Tackling increasing demands on urgent services is a national priority as too many patients are waiting too long in overcrowded A&E departments across the country. Our iHV report and film,  published in December 2023, highlighted that babies and young children are the highest users of A&E, with the rate of children aged 0-4 years attending A&E in England increasing by 42% in the last 10 years. When reviewed, a large proportion of these attendances did not require hospital treatment and were for non-urgent conditions (for example, minor illnesses, feeding problems, and parental distress due to infant crying), suggesting that they could be managed and supported by other means, including health visitors in the community.

Following the Darzi review, the new government has proposed three “shifts” in health care to ensure that services are fit for the future – this includes shifting care from the hospital to the community and a much greater emphasis on prevention. Health visitors can play an important part of the solution to addressing increasing demands on urgent care services through their ‘upstream’ work in prevention and early intervention – supporting parents to manage minor illnesses by improving health literacy is a central function of health visiting.

This webinar brought together a leading panel of expert speakers who explored the health visitors’ public health role in reducing A&E attendances alongside the latest national data and context of 0–4-year-olds attending A&E:

  • Honorary Professor Damian Roland, Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Urgent and Emergency Care System Clinical Director
  • Georgina Mayes, iHV Health Visiting Professional Lead (Quality and Policy)
  • Kate Walters, Divisional Director of Nursing & AHPs, Children & Family Services and CAMHS

This webinar brings into sharp focus the unique needs of babies, young children and their families and the importance of ensuring that they can access the right healthcare support when they need it – right person, right place, right time.

Help us raise awareness and drive meaningful change to improve healthcare support for families. Please share the webinar and short iHV film “Can you see my baby? Health visitors prevent emergencies” on the vital role of health visitors in reducing A&E attendances for babies and children aged 0-4 years with your commissioners, local MPs and Health Boards.

Honorary Professor Damian Roland said:

“Emergency Department attendances reflect inequalities in society and the systems response to them. Understanding, and addressing, underlying reasons for Emergency Department attendances will ultimately improve the long-term life chances of Children and Young People.”

Georgina Mayes, iHV Health Visiting Professional Lead (Quality and Policy), said:

“Health visiting is an important part of the solution to reducing A&E attendances. This webinar highlights the vital role of health visitors in providing expert, professional support to families when their baby or child is unwell. More health visitors are urgently needed now to ensure all families can get the support that they need, which will in turn take pressure off overstretched A&E departments.”

Kate Walters, Divisional Director of Nursing & AHPs, Children & Family Services and CAMHS, said:

“Parental confidence and the importance of understanding your baby is crucial to the decisions that parents and carers make about accessing health care – where to go, what to do and what is the most appropriate. Health visitors play a key role in building this understanding and helping parents to navigate the health system. Health visitors can provide signposting, advice, digital support, and are accessible to all.”

Watch the full iHV Insights recording:

Watch short iHV Film, “Can you see my baby? Health visitors prevent emergencies

Join the conversation and share your thoughts on how we can work together to support babies, young children, their families and communities more effectively #HealthVisiting #ReduceA&EAttendances #Prevention.

This webinar is part of a series of iHV Insights events produced for iHV members to support their continuous professional development and help them keep abreast of the latest issues in child and family public health. Not a member? Consider joining us. Our corporate membership provides exclusive access to expert-led events, resources, and networking opportunities designed to support health visitors’ professional development and practice. Individual UK membership is also available in four different categories: Associate, Student, Friend, and Retired

Calling all iHV members – if you missed our iHV Insights webinar on “Domestic Abuse” held last week, then don’t worry as the resources from this iHV Insights, as well as the previous ones, are available to iHV members to access as a free member benefit afterwards.

On Thursday 19 January, we were joined by a great panel of experts including:

  • Dr Tanya Dennis, Domestic Abuse Expert Advisor, iHV: The Domestic Abuse Bill – Implications for Health Visiting practice
  • Judith Rees and Amanda McIntyre: Updates from The For Baby’s Sake Trust
  • Vicky Gilroy and Philippa Bishop, iHV: Introducing the iHV Domestic Abuse Toolkit

Click here to catch up on iHV Insights: Domestic Abuse, as well as previous iHV Insights sessions:

If you were unable to join the live event, iHV members can access the following after each iHV Insights event:

  • Recording of the live iHV Insights webinar
  • Pdf of webinar slides
  • Record of Attendance/ Reflection template for you to download and complete for each iHV Insights attended

Next iHV Insights

  • 23 February 2023 15:30-16:30 – Raising awareness of Group A Streptococcus and childhood influenza infections – book your place here

Thanks to specific project funding, to support raising awareness of this important topic, this iHV Insights event is open to all health visitors to book.

This webinar is on Thursday 23 February (join from 3.15pm to allow a prompt start) 3.30pm to 4.30 pm.

Key topics covered
• The national picture – current rates of Strep A, Scarlet Fever, Invasive Group A Strep (IGAS) Influenzas (Flu) and rates in the UK
• Presentation and symptoms in babies and children
• Safety netting – supporting parents to know when to worry and where to get help
• Sharing resources to support your practice

The webinar will be recorded and will be available to iHV Members who are unable to join the live webinar on our website after the event.

Please join us. Spaces are limited so please do book early to avoid disappointment. Please use your iHV membership number to book your place.

About iHV Insights

iHV Insights are webinars run just for our members.

These live online sessions are of interest to frontline health visitors and student health visitors, as well as service leads, commissioners and wider members of the health visiting team, both in the UK and with lots of transferable learning for our international members too.

If you are not an iHV member, join us today to access these resources and many other member benefits.

Our highly popular iHV Insights webinar programme continues with our next event taking place on Thursday 17 February 2022 from 15:30 to 16:30.

This iHV Insights will cover the topic of Parental awareness of respiratory illness in babies & children – Session 4.

Thanks to specific project funding to support sharing of new resources for this important topic, this iHV Insights event is open to all health visitors to book.

logo for webinar

The VSCE-funded iHV Respiratory Project has now successfully delivered 3 webinars, which are available to watch again on the iHV website on our new iHV Respiratory Illness page. This iHV Insights event is the fourth session in the series.

This project aims to share key information and resources on respiratory illnesses in under 3s – with a focus on Fever, Breathing difficulties and Wheeze, Croup, and Bronchiolitis/RSV, and supporting HVs in their role working with families. This includes ensuring the promotion of and access to resources already in use, including the Healthier Together website and iHV Parent Tips on fever and breathing difficulties and wheeze.

This Insights webinar will bring together the project, showcasing our new parent resources which come in a variety of languages and are accessible to those with learning difficulties/disabilities.

We are pleased to announce that our expert panel of speakers includes:

  • Dr Ben Hughes on the EPNS4 Surge e-learning course which focuses on care and support at home
  • Eluned Hughes and Erika Radford, The British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK on their helplines

How to book

Thanks to specific project funding to support sharing of new resources for this important topic, this iHV Insights event is open and free to all health visitors to book.

Our highly popular iHV Insights webinar programme for iHV members continues with our next event taking place on Thursday 20 January 2022 from 3:30 to 4:30pm.

This iHV Insights will cover the topic of Supporting eating for children with additional needs.

We have received many requests from our members for information and advice to support families whose children have eating problems, especially those children who have additional needs. In response, we are delighted to offer an iHV Insights webinar for you on this topic.

The Newcastle University FEEDS research team will share their research about “Parent-delivered interventions used at home to improve eating, drinking and swallowing in children with neurodisability: the FEEDS mixed-methods study”, the team will also share practical insights on how, as health visitors, we support children and their families.

The Speakers include a consultant paediatrician, research experts, speech and language therapist and a health visitor.

The webinar will also be recorded and will be available to iHV members on our website after the event.

Please join us.

How to book for iHV members

Go to our Eventbrite booking page and please use your iHV membership number as your access code. If you have any problems or enquiries please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Once you have submitted your details, you will be able to select your ticket and proceed to checkout – please note that this webinar is free to iHV members.

Not an iHV member?

Previous iHV Insights

The great news is that all iHV Insights webinars are available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event, as well as joining the live session. As a member, you can access all of our previous iHV Insights webinar

Click here and log in to catch up on our previous iHV Insights.

Our highly popular iHV Insights webinar programme continues with our next event for iHV members taking place on Thursday 27 May 2021, 3:30 to 4:30pm.

Being held in the build up to Child Safety Week which takes place 7-13 June, this iHV Insights will cover the topic of: “Preventing Accidents in Children”. It will focus on the health visiting skills and role to support preventing accidents in children.

We are delighted to be joined by our expert panel of speakers, including:

  • Katrina Phillips, Chief Executive, Child Accident Trust
  • Toity Deave, iHV Fellow, Assoc Professor for Family & Child Health, Centre for Academic Child Health at University of the West of England, Bristol
  • Sue Hall-Wallace and Hayley Douglas-Jones, Clinical Leads for the Health Visiting Teams in South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

The webinar will also be recorded and will be available to iHV members on our website after the event.

Please join us.

How to book for iHV members

Go to our EventBrite booking page and please use your iHV membership number as your access code. If you have any problems or enquiries please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Once you have submitted your details, you will be able to select your ticket and proceed to checkout – please note that this webinar is free to iHV members.

Not an iHV member?

Previous iHV Insights

The great news is that all iHV Insights webinars are available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event, as well as joining the live session. As a member you can access all of our previous iHV Insights webinars with their supported resources that includes topics on:

  • managing childhood illnesses;
  • domestic violence and abuse;
  • health visiting during a pandemic;
  • training as a health visitor during a pandemic;
  • supporting smoke-free families;
  • improving support for children with parents who are dependent on alcohol;
  • bereavement, the NBCP & Health Visiting
  • working with children with autism – resources to support your practice

Click here and login to catch up on our previous iHV Insights.

Our 3rd iHV Insights webinar takes place on Thursday 16 July 3.30 to 4.30 pm.

This will cover the topic of: “Health visiting during a pandemic and beyond”.

The session will focus particularly on ensuring the needs of vulnerable children are met and practical ways to improve virtual contacts during COVID-19 and beyond.

We are pleased to announce that our expert panel of speakers includes:
Professor Viv Bennett CBE, Chief Nurse and Director Maternity and Early Years, Public Health England
Dr Rosemary Singh, Specialist CAMHS Practitioner EPEC and Family Partnership Programmes / Clinical Psychologist, Centre for Parent and Child Support
Gail Barker, Infant Feeding Coordinator, Devon Public Health Nursing

The webinar will also be recorded and will be available to iHV members on our website after the event, together with a FAQ sheet should we have a high number of questions.

Please join us.

How to book for iHV members

Go to our EventBrite booking page and please use your iHV membership number as your access code. If you have any problems or enquiries please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

Once you have submitted your details, you will be able to select your ticket and proceed to checkout – please note that this webinar is free to iHV members.

Previous iHV Insights

The great news is that recordings of all the iHV Insights webinars will be available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event.

Click here to catch up on our 2 fabulous iHV Insights sessions so far:

  • 21 May 2020 – COVID-19 in children and managing minor childhood illnesses
  • 18 June 2020 – Domestic Violence and Abuse: Keeping victims and children safe during a pandemic

Did you miss our 2nd iHV Insights webinar on “Domestic Violence and Abuse: Keeping victims and children safe during a pandemic” that was held yesterday?

We were joined by a fabulous panel of experts who were able to provide an update on the evidence and lots of helpful tips on supporting families experiencing domestic violence and abuse when face-to-face contacts are limited.

The great news is that all the iHV Insights webinars will be available for iHV members to access as a free member benefit after the event.

Click here to catch up on our 2 fabulous iHV Insights sessions so far:

  • 21 May 2020 – COVID-19 in children and managing minor childhood illnesses
  • 18 June 2020 – “Domestic Violence and Abuse: Keeping victims and children safe during a pandemic” (please note: there was a minor very short technical break in recording during this session in a transition between speakers)

Over time we hope that this library of iHV Insights will grow into a valuable “bite-sized” CPD resource for all members to use as part of your ongoing learning and revalidation.

What are iHV Insights and what do they cover?

All iHV Insights focus on current priorities for health visitors in their role supporting children and families achieve the best start in life. Currently, we are focusing on the impact of COVID-19 and how we respond to the challenges that we face. COVID-19 has also shone a spotlight on the specialist skills of health visitors and your ability to drive change and innovation despite these challenges – these iHV Insights webinars provide an opportunity to share best practice and learn from others.

The 1-hour sessions are led by leading experts in their field who share the latest evidence and their experiences of practice. They also include a live Q&A session which provide an opportunity for you to have your questions answered.

If you are unable to join the live event, after the event, you can access the:

  • Recording of the live iHV Insights webinar
  • The webinar slides
  • Responses to the Q&A session – key themes to unanswered questions provided by our expert panel (we aim to publish these within 1 week of the event)

The sessions will be of interest to frontline health visitors and student health visitors, as well as service leads, commissioners and wider members of the health visiting team, both in the UK and with lots of transferable learning for our international members too.

If you are not an iHV member, join us today to access these resources and many other member benefits.

Next iHV Insights

Look out for booking details for our next iHV Insights webinar: “Health Visiting during a pandemic and beyond” on 16 July.

We are delighted that we will be joined by Viv Bennett, Chief Nurse at Public Health England, and a panel of experts in practice.

This session will outline the cross-government definition for children’s services of three types of vulnerability, with a focus on how we can ensure that needs are not missed, and families are supported using virtual methods.

Further details,  including how to book, coming soon.