Short weekly update from the CEO of Public Health England (PHE), including:
- PHE’s response to the 200 submissions received during their recent consultation on the redesign of the National Infection Service (NIS)
- launch of a new campaign in the North West to highlight the dangers of taking antibiotics when you don’t need them and to trust in your doctor’s advice. The North West was chosen as the pilot as they have a high prescribing rate, and PHE will use the results to assess whether this should be rolled out across the country.
- Local Government Association published a new set of case studies to provide local areas with examples of good practice and practical insight to support their work on suicide prevention
- First workshop of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) training partners with the World Health Organization
- Health Check 2017, an annual review of progress on developing a sustainable health and care system in England, shows that PHE continues to be one of the leading organisations in ensuring that our health system is sustainable: environmentally, socially, and financially
- CATRIN, the Welsh version of PHE’s award-winning National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service in England, is now live for the whole of Wales, meaning national data on cancer is now seamlessly collected and quality assured across both countries.