The draft Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder quality standard consultation period is now open.
Please submit your comments on the form listed on the website and ensure all relevant fields are completed.
Responses must be submitted to [email protected] by 5pm on FRIDAY 3 APRIL 2020.
Following consultation the comments will be considered by the quality standards advisory committee (QSAC) and a record of this summarised in the QSAC meeting minutes. Registered stakeholders that submitted comments will be sent a link to the QSAC meeting minutes on the NICE website when the final quality standard publishes so that they may see how their comments were considered by the committee during the meeting.
Comments received from non-registered organisations and individuals are not summarised in the formal report presented to the committee but are included as an appendix. These comments are not made available on the NICE website. However, if they result in changes to the quality standard this is recorded in the committee meeting minutes.