Through their On Your Doorstep project, Auditory Verbal UK (AVUK) wants to ensure that all deaf children have the opportunity of accessing Auditory Verbal therapy close to where they live.

Therapy session at Auditory Verbal UK
To be able to achieve this, they are improving awareness of their services for families of deaf children and the professionals who support them, whilst raising expectations of what deaf children can achieve.
This project involves AVUK travelling the UK to deliver training sessions for health and education professionals, and free workshops for families. Their goal is to reach areas where there is little awareness of the outcomes possible from a listening and spoken language approach, and where there is no local access to Auditory Verbal therapy.
The workshop for families is called ‘teaching your child to listen and speak’ and the workshop for professionals is called ‘closing the language gap’.
They have workshops coming up in Norwich, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Devon. However, individuals and groups can request a workshop in their area.