It’s great to see one of our Fellows in action presenting a case study of their work at a national meeting, especially during #HVweek.

Ekaete George, Senior Practice Teacher-Health Visiting, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, presenting to the Communication Council
Ekaete George, Senior Practice Teacher-Health Visiting, Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, attended the Communication Council national meeting today (29 September) to present her case study on health visiting doing great work to support children’s speech, language and communication in the community she works in.
The Communication Council is a strategic group, made up of representatives from across the children and young people’s speech, language and communication sector and is jointly chaired by Directors from The Department for Education and The Department of Health . It promotes and facilitates joined up working across Governmental departments as well as across the sector as a whole.
Today’s meeting focused on the early years workforce and support for children’s speech, language and communication development. It also dedicated part of the meeting to exploring the role that health visitors can play in supporting good speech, language and communication development in the children they work with and also in identifying those who may be struggling with this aspect of their development.
Ekaete gave a short presentation to the meeting providing an overview of the health visiting service model and its impact on speech, language and communication. This is to set the context for later group discussions focused on identifying how health visiting services can most effectively support children’s speech, language and communication.