This week is Child Safety Week 2022 (6-12 June), an annual community awareness campaign led by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented.

As part of our activities to reduce the harms caused by accidents in childhood, the iHV was delighted to support the launch of The Harper-Lee Foundation button battery awareness Parliamentary Reception on Tuesday 7 June. Alongside numerous other organisations, we signed the ‘button battery pledge’ which pledges to raise awareness of the risks associated with button and coin cell ingestion in local communities. Please join with us and sign the pledge, either as an individual or an organisation.

At the Parliamentary Reception, from the left: Georgina Mayes, Policy and Quality Lead at iHV; Katrina Phillips, Chief Executive at CAPT; Ian Evans, Training and Consultancy Manager at CAPT; and Pam Prentice, Campaigns Manager at CAPT

The Harper-Lee Foundation was established last year following the tragic death of Harper-Lee Fanthorpe who sadly passed away after ingesting a coin-cell battery. The charity is working alongside Government, charities, and industry to reduce the risk to children of accidents and death from foreign body ingestion.

The Parliamentary Reception was hosted by Jo Gideon MP and sponsored by the British and Irish Portable Battery Association (BIPBA). At the event, The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) launched a joint awareness and information campaign on button cell safety, designed to provide expert information and guidance to parents and professionals working with babies, children, and families on how to handle button batteries safely. Representatives from CAPT were on hand to discuss the initiative with parliamentarians and also share their fabulous free educational resources.

Katrina Phillips, Chief Executive of CAPT, said:

“Button batteries cause corrosive burns inside the body if they’re swallowed and get stuck. Young children have died or been left with life-changing injuries. But too few parents know about the risks or how to keep their children safe. As trusted professionals supporting families UK-wide, health visitors have a vital role to play in raising awareness.”

It is important that we all work together to raise awareness of the preventable harms that button batteries pose to children and ensure that all parents and carers are aware of the important safety messages. Button batteries are powering a growing number of household products and have been linked to serious injuries among small children. Lithium cell batteries are a particular concern as they are larger and have a higher voltage.

Here is a video from the CAPT charity about the dangers of button batteries that you can share with parents (warning – it is not an easy watch…):

The new initiative will help parents, carers and professionals understand the risks and keep children safe. There is a raft of resources available for health visitors to access, please visit: for further information. Thanks to generous support from the Office for Product Safety and Standards, CAPT resources are all free to order from their online shop and they have a special fund that enables them to refund the costs of postage and packaging!

Georgina Mayes, iHV Policy and Quality Lead, said:

“I was delighted to attend this event in Parliament to raise the profile of the work of the Harper-Lee Foundation, so that communities across the United Kingdom will become more aware of the dangers of button battery ingestion. Health visitors have a vital role to play in raising awareness of the dangers that button batteries pose to babies and children. Health visitors reach every baby that is born in the UK through the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme and, through using their specialist public health nursing skills, they can prevent serious and catastrophic harm to babies and children.”

National Button Battery Awareness Day, 12 June 2022

The Westminster launch of The Harper-Lee Foundation coincided with Child Safety Week (6-12 June) and, this Sunday 12 June, marks National Button Battery Awareness Day. It would be brilliant if you could share the CAPT video and post on social media, using the hashtags #ButtonBatteryAwareness, #IamButtonBatteryAware, and #NeverAgain.


iHV is delivering the VSCE HW funded project aimed at sharing key information and resources on respiratory illnesses in under 3s; with a focus on Fever, Breathing difficulties and Wheeze, Croup, and Bronchiolitis/RSV and supporting HVs in their role working with families.

As part of this programme of work, we are delighted to offer a series of funded awareness sessions to support health visitors in their role working with families – open to all health visitors.

3rd Awareness Session now booking

Date: Tues 25 January 2022
Time: 15:30-16:30

This is the 3rd in the series of awareness sessions aiming to support health visitors in their role working with families, and builds on the two awareness sessions already held in November and December (recordings of these are available on our Respiratory Illness resources webpage).

Highlights for Awareness Session 3 include presentations from:

  • Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, DHSC – The importance of the role of health visitors in promoting parental awareness
  • Lead Paediatrician – A focus on croup
  • CONTACT – Supporting families of children with disabilities with respiratory illness.

New Respiratory Illness Resources

Access a range of resources through our new open-access webpage on the iHV website, including previous awareness webinars.

This contains all the collated resources from the VSCE-funded project partners to facilitate and streamline access to information, including:

  • HEE The Respiratory Surge e-learning
  • Bliss – excellent short animation on bronchiolitis and RSV in English with 5 subtitled versions available
  • Boloh Helpline provided by Barnado’s – new Bronchiolitis/RSV resources specifically aimed at ethnic minority groups and staff are available on the helpline

Future event – SAVE THE DATE!

17th February – iHV Insight and Awareness Session four: Please save the date. Further information and booking details will be released in due course.

Highlights for this final event include presentations from:

  • Dr Ben Hughes on EPNS4Surge course which focuses on care and support at home.
  • The British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK on their helplines.
  • Alongside introducing new resources from the iHV project team.

We have limited availability for our Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Awareness training on Wednesday 16 October 2019. It is a rare opportunity to experience our one day PMH Awareness training alongside other practitioners from a variety of professional backgrounds.

Please note: this training does not support an onward cascade – it is not a Champions programme. It is designed for individual direct learning and development for multi-agency.

The training event is suited to a wide range of practitioners working alongside women perinatally (including neonatal nurses, midwives, social workers, early years workers, parent support workers) and will include presentations, activities and discussions around:

  • Perinatal mental illness and why it matters;
  • Recognition and management;
  • Safeguarding and risk;
  • Everyone’s business: your role, communication and interventions.

“It was extremely informative and helpful for my role” (Neonatal nurse – 2018)

“I came into the session not knowing anything about PMH. Every session appropriate” (Parent support worker – 2018)

“I feel more confident in approaching the subject and being able to signpost/refer parents to the appropriate services. I will ensure details of services are readily available to other staff on the ward” (Midwife – 2018)

We can increase practitioner confidence in practice around working perinatally with mothers and their families who may have perinatal mental health issues.

Come and learn more about PMH – what it is, why it matters and what you can do to help.

New training date: 16 October 2019

Location: London

How to book

Places are strictly limited – for more information or to book a place – please contact: [email protected]
or book online:

We are thrilled to offer a new date for our Multi-Agency Perinatal Mental Health Awareness training for individuals – Wednesday 16 October 2019. It is a rare opportunity to experience our one day PMH Awareness training alongside other practitioners from a variety of professional backgrounds.

Please note: this training does not support an onward cascade. It is not a Champions programme and is designed for your own direct learning and development.

This PMH training is suitable for a wide range of the professional workforce working alongside women and their families perinatally e.g. Health Visitors, Midwives and Maternity Staff, Neonatal nurses, Early Years staff, Mental Health professionals. We can increase practitioner confidence in practice around working perinatally with mothers and their families who may have perinatal mental health issues.

Come and learn more about PMH – what it is, why it matters and what you can do to help.

New training date: 16 October 2019

Location: London

How to book

Monday 10 December 2018, London

We are delighted to offer this rare opportunity to experience our one day PMH Awareness training alongside other practitioners from a variety of professional backgrounds – a wide range of the professional workforce working alongside women and their families perinatally e.g. Health Visitors, Midwives and Maternity Staff, Neonatal nurses, Early Years staff, Mental Health professionals.

Our programme is designed to enhance your own awareness of a wide range of issues associated with perinatal mental health and wellbeing.

Please note: this training is a different format of programme from our Champions training and does not equip participants with training resources to deliver further training does – so it does not support an onward cascade.

Costs: £80 iHV Members/ £95 Non-members.



Public Health England has recently published new posters and leaflets for use by health professionals and community engagement groups to raise awareness of measles.

Posters and leaflets includes information on vaccination and symptoms of measles. These are available for download only from

The Institute of Health Visiting is supporting PIP UK (Parent Infant Partnership  UK) in its Inaugural Infant Mental Health Week taking place 6-10 June including a Conference on 9 June.

PIP UK provides the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Early Years which published the 1001 Critical Days Manifesto and the Great Britain’s report.  This will be an exciting opportunity to raise the profile of infant mental health and increase public awareness of its importance.

Dr Cheryll Adams said: “Do think of ways your team can get involved locally.”

iHV stock photography from Croydon area. Picture by:

iHV stock photography from Croydon area. Picture by: