
This is the the last opportunity to apply for a poster presentation at The Queen’s Nursing Institute Annual Conference which takes place Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 September 2016 at the Royal College of General Practitioners, London.

Closing date: Friday 8th July 2016

Conference themes

Entries are invited from nurses working in the community and primary care to promote any area of their clinical practice that reflects the Conference themes.

  • Day 1: Measuring, delivering and reporting Quality
    Posters should relate to a direct nursing intervention or new way of working with a client group or a community, which led to an improved health/clinical outcome and/or patient experience.
  • Day 2: Community & Primary Care – Nursing for the future
    Posters should demonstrate innovative ways of recruiting nurses to community and primary care or engaging nursing students to consider community and primary care as a career option.
    Poster presentations.

To apply:

QNI invites submissions for poster presentations enabling delegates to promote the innovative work that they are doing.

Please note you will need to book your place at the conference first to be considered for the poster presentation.



Public Health England’s annual conference takes place from 13 to 14 September 2016 at the University of Warwick.

The Public Health England annual conference 2016 will bring together over 1400 participants from a wide range of organisations, to learn, network and share knowledge and experience.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Evidence into action’. The conference will promote and showcase the application and translation of science and research, to support effective local and national action to improve public health. Keynote speakers will include the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health and Jane Ellison MP, Minister for Public Health.