Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP has been asked by the Prime Minister to chair a major new review of early years services on behalf of the Government. The review will look at reducing inequalities in young children from conception to age two and a half, aiming to ensure every baby is given the best possible start in life. It will build on the conclusions from the Inter-Ministerial Group on Early Years Family Support which Andrea chaired whilst Leader of the Commons from 2018-2019.

Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, Executive Director iHV, commented:

“We are delighted that Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP has been invited to chair a review into the first 1001 days of life and particularly that it will have a special focus on reducing inequalities in childhood. Andrea is ideally place to lead this review, with her longstanding work in this policy area and her commitment to the need for improved investment in the early years . The work of the All Party Parliamentary Group for the First 1001 Critical Days has already led to important learning and outcomes, such as the 1001 Critical Days manifesto signed by many cross-government MPs (2014).

“We look forward to working with Andrea on her inquiry and hope very much that this will finally lead to very urgent action to ensure that each and every child born in England is given the best possible start in life. It could not be more timely.”

The review will seek to show how to reduce disparities in low birth weight, social and emotional development in early years, and reduce impacts of vulnerability and adverse childhood experiences in this stage of life. It will also look to understand lessons learnt from COVID-19, including minimising the risks from the pandemic to very young children, and better using technology.


iHV is delighted that Andrea Leadsom MP, Leader of the House of Commons, has been asked by the Prime Minister to chair a cross-Government working group set up to review how to improve the support available to families in the period around childbirth to the age of two – the first 1001 days.

Andrea Leadsom

Andrea Leadsom

The cross-Government Ministerial group will seek to identify gaps in available provision and make recommendations on how coordination across Departments can be improved to help give every child the best possible start in life.

Dr Cheryll Adams CBE, Executive Director iHV, commented:

“This is excellent news for health visiting.  It was Andrea who launched the 1001 Critical Days Manifesto, which has since reached into many other countries. She really understands the importance of infant mental health, and the critical role of the health visitor for supporting all families and especially those who need the most help.  We look forward to working with her moving forwards.”