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Our Voices blog articles are interesting reflections on events attended, and comments by policy makers, health visitors and others.

26 November 2015

Earlier this year, HVeCOP set up a team of iHV Fellows who are all expert and innovative practitioners in their speciali...

26 November 2015

It was exciting to be amongst a group of other like-minded nurses being recognised for the positive contribution to pati...

12 November 2015

Here is the sixth, and final, in a series of Voices blogs (and the third one from Sandra) from some of our Associate mem...

10 November 2015

Here is the fifth in a series of Voices blogs (and the second one from Sandra) from some of our Associate members who we...

2 November 2015

Here is the third in a series of Voices blogs from some of our Associate members who were able to join online with the 6...

2 November 2015

Here is the fourth in a series of Voices blogs from some of our Associate members who were able to join online with the ...

27 October 2015

A group of health visitors from Coventry went to Shumen and Sliven in Bulgaria to support a UNICEF project to recruit, t...

27 October 2015

Earlier this year, HVeCOP set up a team of iHV Fellows who are all expert and innovative practitioners in their speciali...

20 October 2015

A Voices blog written by Elaine McInnes, Diane Massey and Cheryll Adams on their experience of attending the recent Nati...

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