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Supporting and developing early responses to child neglect in health and education services in England

5th March 2014

This NSPCC project seeks to learn more about, and find ways to increase, the capacity of universal health and education services to tackle child neglect at an early stage. Providing early support to children and parents through these services can:

  • Help to prevent neglect becoming chronic and entrenched
  • Help to ease the pressure on the child protection system and enable it to focus on children with the greatest need.

To reach this goal, we will be holding discussion groups with a range of health and education professionals from across England. In the groups, we will explore:

1. Health and education professionals’ understandings of neglect and their role in tackling it
2. Barriers to earlier and more effective responses to neglect within these services
3. Opportunities and develop workable solutions to better enable health and education
services to more effectively and directly respond to neglect at an early stage.


How can you help?


See this attached document for how you can.

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