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PHE Children, Young People and Families team is seeking views of colleagues

24th January 2017

PHE Children, Young People and Families team is seeking views of colleagues involved in the local commissioning and delivery of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) on the existing resources that Public Health England (PHE) provides to support the programme.

They would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. The survey asks for your views on the NCMP Operational Guidance, national template letters, leaflets for parents, and elected members briefing.

Your feedback will inform PHE’s work programme in updating these resources for the next school year. Please feel free to forward this email to colleagues involved in the NCMP who may also like to take part in the survey.

Please complete the survey by 31 January 2017.

Survey  now closed.

Please note that if your session remains idle for more than 5 minutes, the survey will automatically close and your survey will show as incomplete.  PHE therefore recommends that you set aside 10-20 minutes to complete this survey.  To end the survey correctly click ‘done’ on the final page.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries.  Feel free to forward to colleagues who may wish to participate.

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