23rd July 2021
We have updated a couple of our Good Practice Points, that are now available on our website. We also have an updated Parent Tip for you to share and point your parents to.
Check them out below.
Our GPPs are just one of the great benefits all iHV Members have!
GPP | How to reduce unintentional injuries in under 5-year olds
This GPP outline some key points in effective engagement with parents and guidance to reduce injuries along with up-to-date evidence and references.
GPP | Keeping infants and young children safe around dogs in the home
This GPP sets out to support health visitors working with families where a baby or young child may be at risk of harm from a dog.
PT | Sleep and the older child
Lots of things happen during sleep; babies and children grow, their brains develop, their bodies heal and repair, and their brains process the day. Children who are overtired in the long term can become more active and wanting attention, and this can be mistaken for not being tired.
Please note that GPPs are available to iHV Members only.
If you’re not a member, please join us to get access to all of our resources.
The iHV is a self-funding charity – we can only be successful in our mission to strengthen health visiting practice if the health visiting profession and its supporters join us on our journey. We rely on our membership to develop new resources for our members.
So do join us now!