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Make our voice louder

7th October 2022

We cannot stress how important it is for you to give us your feedback in our annual State of Health Visiting survey – help us to reach at least 1000 responses, as it makes the results so much more powerful. This will help us build the most accurate picture of health visiting across the UK.

People are listening and we need to keep the pressure on. We use the survey findings to support our ongoing work with policy makers to influence decision making. Your views really make a difference.

Please, if you haven’t already and you are a health visitor in practice or work with a health visiting team, will you help us to help you by prioritising a little time out to complete the survey, even if it’s at the weekend.

Please check your emails from the Institute with the link to survey. But if you cannot find it, then please email us at [email protected] with your details to have the link sent to you.

Help us turn this whisper into a roar!


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