11th February 2014
The Health Protection week of action begins 24th Feb to 28th Feb. This promises a series of daily blogs by national leaders to stimulate interest and discussion, a number of media articles, career profiles and case studies on the main themes, key facts delivered in a digestible format and a chance to interact through webinars and twitter chats.
Daily Blogs will begin on 24th Feb via Viv Bennett’s blog page. You can also receive updates and be able to join in via Twitter
Also @WeNurses will be hosting a Twitterchat on behalf of DH on Tuesday, 25th Feb at 8pm.
DH have already had some material published such as an article in the Nursing Standard and will shortly have a complementary pledge as part of NHS Change Day
We do hope you will be able to join in and follow DH activity over the week and please pass on these details to your colleagues.