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Backbench Business Committee debate, 9th November 2021: Giving every baby the best start in life

5th November 2021

In less than a week, a debate on giving every baby the best start in life will take place in the House of Commons

The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) is submitting a briefing to MPs for a backbench business debate on ‘giving every child the best start in life’ which will take place in the House of Commons on Tuesday 9th November 2021. The backbench debate is sponsored by cross-party MPs Sarah Olney, Dame Andrea Leadsom and Catherine McKinnell. It provides a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of health visiting in the earliest years and raise current health visiting workforce challenges.

I am delighted by the widespread support for investment in health visiting from our partners. At the iHV, we have partnered with the First 1001 Days Movement who have submitted a collaborative briefing on the importance of the first 1001 days to help MPs prepare for the debate. We want to get as many MPs as possible involved with this important debate on Tuesday.

Please can I ask for your help with the following:

1. To share the briefings with your local MP:

iHV health visiting briefing:

First 1001 Days Movement briefing:

2. Invite your local MP to attend the debate.
I have included the campaign action, where you can invite your local MP to attend the debate. Please can you also share this link with your colleagues and friends and share it on social media.

3. Tweet along with us on Tuesday afternoon (12:30pm onwards), we’ll be sharing quotes and clips from the debate on iHV Twitter.

Twitter tags you may want to include: 

@NSPCC @iHealthVisiting @first1001days @andrealeadsom @CatMcKinnell @sarahjolney1

Thanks so much for your help. I hope that you will join Team iHV and share our health visiting briefing with your local MP and ask for their support with this very important debate.

With best wishes
Georgina Mayes
Policy & Quality Lead iHV

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