Latest Winter Illness Webinar: 16/01/2024
The webinar included:
- The current state of winter illnesses in children – Dr Sanjay Patel, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
- Premature and sick babies and winter illnesses – Annelies Hopkins, Information & Support Manager, Bliss
- The effects of mould on physical health – Wendy Thorogood, Head of Clinical Services, Barnardo’s
- iHV Resources to support practice – Vicky Gilroy & Louisa Clifford-Taylor, Projects Team, iHV
- Q&A with the speakers

Presentation slideset PDF - Winter Illness Webinar: 16/01/2024

Winter Illness Webinar Q&A
iHV Insights: Raising awareness of Group A Streptococcus and childhood influenza infections: 23/02/2023
- The national picture – current rates of Strep A, Scarlet Fever, Invasive Group A Strep (IGAS) Influenzas (Flu) and rates in the UK
- Presentation and symptoms in babies and children
- Safety netting- supporting parents to know when to worry and where to get help
- Sharing resources to support your practice

Presentation slideset PDF - Raising awareness of Group A Streptococcus and childhood influenza infections

Record of attendance/Reflection template for iHV Insights: Raising awareness of Group A Streptococcus and childhood influenza infections
Respiratory Illness Series 2021/22
In this section, you will find a series of webinars which were produced as part of the project. Each one provides information and guidance on different aspects of respiratory illness. Contributions are included from speakers from other organisations who also received funding from the #HWFund.
- Webinar 1 – Focuses on the background of Bronchiolitis and the surge. HEE also introduces a range of e-learning and digital learning resources to support practice.
- Webinar 2 – Discusses the signs and symptoms of Bronchiolitis and when to advise families to seek help. There are also presentations from Bliss (with a focus on supporting preterm and sick babies including a family-facing animation) and Barnardo’s (informing us about their Boloh helpline for families for whom English is not their first language).
- Webinar 3 – Croup is the respiratory illness discussed in this webinar. Contact shares their resources and services which are available for families with additional needs. And OHID discusses the role of the Public Health Nurses and Leadership.
- Webinar 4 – The final webinar in the series features a presentation from Asthma UK & British Lung Foundation sharing the resources they have developed for families facing RSV. The EPNS4Surge e-learning is introduced which aims to increase knowledge, skills, and practical confidence in supporting children and young people with specific respiratory problems. And the iHV shares background to the project and how the resources were developed.
Respiratory Illness Webinar One | Recording

Respiratory Illness Webinar One | PDF
Respiratory Illness Webinar Two | Recording

Respiratory Illness Webinar Two | PDF
Respiratory Illness Webinar Three | Recording

Respiratory Illness Webinar Three | PDF
Respiratory Illness Webinar Four | Recording

Respiratory Illness Webinar Four | PDF

FAQs from the Respiratory Illness Webinars

Download your Record of Attendance
iHV Podcasts
Dr Sanjay Patel on recognition of illness in babies and young children with black or brown skin with a focus on Strep A and Scarlet Fever 14/4/23
Vicky Gilroy, iHV’s Head of Projects and Evaluation, talks to Consultant Paediatrician Sanjay Patel who has been instrumental in developing the Healthier Together Website and resources to support professionals and families access clear information on common illnesses, including advice on what serious ‘red-flag’ signs to look out for, where to seek help if required, what you should do to keep comfortable and how long symptoms are likely to last.
We are aware from both parents and practitioners that recognition of illness in babies with black and brown skin can be hard. This podcast explores with Sanjay his top tips and guidance from many years of clinical practice, to support your practice alongside raising the importance of listening to parents’/carers and taking their concerns seriously.
To listen to the podcast, click on the arrow in the image below or on the link below